
The triceps is familiar to most people. It is the muscle on the back of the human arms. When we stretch our forearms forward the latter contract the upper arms inwards, it plays an important role in the movement of which, at the same time, it increases the range of motion of the elbows and improves the flexibility of the elbows under its action.

It has many training methods, targeted movements are still relatively few, today share these 4 movements, can effectively stimulate your triceps, the exercise effect is very obvious, without further ado, the following start our exercises.

1, supine barbell arm flexor

We fitness is like building a building, want to exercise the body well, the first thing to master the most basic movements. It is the most basic movement to exercise the triceps, which plays the most effective role in the exercise.

Lie with your body facing upwards on a training bench, hold the barbell with both hands at a narrow distance while your arms are straightened up and perpendicular to your torso, keep your body stable, keep your upper arms still while the barbell is in motion, use your elbows as an axis while bending your elbows so that your forearms fall towards the top of your head, when they are 2cm from your forehead, stop the movement and hold for 1 second, contract the triceps on the back side so that your forearms are perpendicular to your torso, peak the contraction for 1 second, then slowly return to to the starting point.

2. Supine narrow barbell bench press

In this exercise, keep the lower and middle parts of the back taut, keep the elbows close to the body during the upward and downward thrusts, keep the barbell up or down, keep the position to the middle of the chest and do not make the barbell sway back and forth.

Lie on your back on a flat bench, hold the barbell with narrow hands, bend your arms at the elbows so that the barbell is in the middle of your chest. As the barbell moves upwards, straighten your arms upwards while keeping your elbows close to your torso, when it reaches its highest point, contract at the top for 1 second, do not lock your elbows, keep your arms slightly bent, there is a strong contraction and stretching sensation in the triceps at the back of your arms, return the barbell to the starting point and start the next set of exercises.

3. Dumbbell posterior neck arm flexion

The weight selection should be within your tolerance range, here we use a seated position for exercise, the body sitting on a flat bench, hands together holding a barbell, so that the arms along the ears up and down the elbow flexion, keep the arms stable, exercise up lifting the dumbbell so that the elbow joint is extended upwards, when the arms are completely straight, keep the action stationary for 1 second, then slowly lower the dumbbell back to the starting point, triceps in the whole there is a strong sensation of contraction and stretching during the exercise and the stimulation is very strong.

4. Upright rope press down

Keep the distance between your feet as wide as your shoulders, lift your chest and contract your abdomen, turn the handles of the rope with both hands, bend your arms at the elbows and clench your torso and tilt your upper body slightly forward, concentrate on the contraction of the triceps as the rope is pulled downwards with both hands, when the arms are fully extended, hold the movement for 1 second, then slowly restore and continue perform the next set of exercises.

During the downward movement of the rope, keeping the legs slightly bent at the knees and the spine in a neutral position, the wrist joint gripping the handle is relaxed and the degree of triceps stimulation is increased and the effect is clearly evident.