
anyone who has a need to lose weight wants to lose it fast, and this is something everyone wants, especially the heavier you are, the more you want to get your weight down in leaps and bounds. The pursuit of fast is understandable, but it has to be based on health and authenticity. If you compromise your health by being fast, not only will your body be damaged, but you will also bounce back quickly and it will not be permanent. So, since you want to lose weight, you have to be healthy and lasting before you think about how you can get the weight down faster.

also, fast is not a fixed standard. If a person is a lot overweight and wants to lose 5 pounds a month, it is something that is easy to do, but if a person who is on the thin side wants to lose 5 pounds a month, it will take a lot more hard work and it is not easy to do. So before you lose weight you need to do a few things: The first is to get your current situation clear, to see what kind of range you are in, whether you should lose fat or do shaping first; then according to your situation, make a relatively reasonable and easy to accomplish goals and plans; and finally to choose the way to exercise.

for example, if you weigh 180 pounds and want to lose 10 pounds in two months, it is feasible. But if you only weigh 90 pounds and you want to lose 15 pounds in two months, that's not feasible. Or even if you do, it will be damaging to your body, or the results will not be long-lasting. For your body, you cannot look at the immediate future and not the future. The last one, is to choose the right kind of exercise for you.

below we will introduce you to a set of movements that are not very difficult, but difficult if you can do them in their entirety. It allows you to get your heart rate up and down, sweat through the exercise and have a lasting fat burning effect afterwards, allowing you to not only lose weight, but also to shape your body, making it tighter and tighter and more beautiful in appearance. If you are able to exercise, you can do them as a group, but if you are not able to exercise, you can slow down or reduce the number of reps.
Movement 1: High leg raise

keeping standing, lift your head up to look forward, chest up, abdomen tightened and back straight. Rotate your legs upwards in a quick knee lift, swinging both arms in time with the leg movements, keeping an eye on the cushioning of the foot position as it hits the ground. Keep your knees and toes in the same direction at all times, in place, without moving, for 30 seconds.
Movement 2: Plank support left and right turn

keeping the plank position, bend your arms and support your body on your elbows, straighten your legs back and leave no distance between your feet, keeping your body as stable as possible and in a straight line. Then hold your head and shoulders and arms in place and twist the rest of your body from side to side, as far as possible, but keeping your feet in place for 40 seconds.
Movement 3: Prone open leg

bend your body down and straighten your arms so that they are parallel to each other and both legs are straight back and together. From the side, the body is in a straight line, the abdomen should be tightened and the back should stop. Jump once, spread the legs apart, jump again and bring the feet back together, alternating this way for 20 reps.
Movement 4: Jumping with your hands in the air

start in a standing position, keeping all parts of your body straight and your eyes to the ground. Both arms swing naturally with the movement of the legs and both legs jump forward and backwards, bending the knees as you jump, in place, and so alternating back and forth for 40 seconds.
You can't get anything by just moving your mouth, you have to act first if you want to get something. It is important to do the right thing, but before that you must also choose the right direction, so it is essential to judge yourself and to do it well in order to choose how to deal with it. A good body is never something you shout about, it's something you put into action and you can lose weight and get in shape at the same time.