
if you have been training in the gym for at least 1 year, the odds are that this is how your attitude towards shoulders has evolved. And when it comes to shoulder training movements, it's just front planks, side planks, seated dumbbell push-ups and rope movements, all of which of course work the entire deltoid region very well.


But you probably don't see many people doing barbell presses in the gym, especially in the standing position. The overhead press was even an olympic event at one point. It trains the shoulders while strengthening the core better as well as increasing body stability.

muscles trained by the barbell press
the shoulder press mainly works the shoulders, but it trains more muscles than that. Here are the muscle groups that are trained by the shoulder press.
1. Shoulder (anterior and middle deltoid)
2. Upper trapezius
3. Upper pectorals
4. Rotator cuff muscle group
5. Abdominal and erector spinae muscles

barbell shoulder press vs dumbbell shoulder press
dumbbells have many benefits (unilateral training, correcting asymmetries, etc.) but barbell shoulder presses offer very many benefits. When training with barbells, strength-based enthusiasts (especially weightlifters) are provided with an exercise pattern similar to that of a competitive competition.
In addition, most juniors are able to carry a greater amount of weight when training with barbells (as they require less shoulder stability compared to dumbbells), which can be of great help in developing overall strength.

it is important to understand that using barbells and dumbbells for push-ups does not say which is better, but rather that the training can be altered using a different approach to better stimulate the target muscles.
Who should do barbell shoulder presses?
The following are four types of people who can benefit from shoulder press training.
1. Powerlifting enthusiasts
the power push and overhead press are important training modalities for hercules training and powerlifting. The push press is a great way to increase general pushing strength and develop the shoulders, upper chest and triceps, which are important for other movements such as the flat bench press, jerk etc.

2. Weightlifters
olympic weightlifters need to maintain a strong, stable overhead pushing position when doing snatches and jerks. Shoulder thrusts help to increase pushing strength and muscle mass in the upper body, which helps in ensuring stability during the weightlifting movement.
Although the push press is not an effective way to lift weights in weightlifting, the stronger the lifter's triceps and shoulders are, the more they will be able to resist the stress on their elbows and shoulders under larger deadlifts.

3. Competitive bodybuilders
competitive bodybuilders must demonstrate overhead press strength, snatch and jerk, and have a range of movements that test overhead stability and strength (inverted push-ups, inverted walk, etc.).
For these athletes, the shoulder press is a great secondary movement that allows them to focus on training muscle mass and strength in the shoulders and triceps, thus allowing them to transition to sport specific movements.

4. Fitness enthusiasts
just because we may not need to push up to 50kg in front of others on a regular basis, doesn't mean we shouldn't train intensively! The ability to maintain a strong, stable overhead position will allow us to have better training performance and prevent the risk of injury associated with other movements and poor posture.
Fitness enthusiasts in general should focus on building strong shoulders and improving overhead performance as this is one of the main movement patterns in humans (squats, hinge movements, vertical push/pull, horizontal push/pull, etc.).

benefits of the barbell shoulder press
the following are the 4 benefits of the barbell shoulder press.
1. Shoulder strength and muscle building
barbell shoulder press builds effective shoulder muscle and strength for both strength/fitness exercise needs, which is always a great thing to do.

2. Overhead press performance
overhead press performance can improve shoulder health (providing proper shoulder stability and posture for lifting weights), jerk strength and even affect your ability to do movements that require more skill, such as handstands.
3. Shoulder health
the ability to safely and strongly support the weight of the overhead press, the ability to move the body during the handstand and the ability to control the centrifugal process of lifting; all of these can play an important role in recovery from injury. The barbell shoulder press is a great way to develop more resilient shoulder muscles and joint mechanics.

4. Use in strength sports
there is a good chance that you are missing out on the benefits of athletic performance from shoulder presses analysed for each population group. Almost everyone can benefit from having stronger, more stable shoulders.

summary of how to incorporate barbell shoulder presses into your training programme
shoulder presses can be designed into your training routine using similar exercises to squats, bench presses and other compound exercises. For strength athletes, this movement helps them build maximum strength and/or is used to strengthen muscle mass (moderate loads and heavy movements).
For olympic weightlifters, the shoulder press can be performed in a moderate range of reps to increase shoulder strength at the right load while also allowing for elbow acceleration. Other sports athletes can use a combination of both depending on the focus of their training (strength, muscle building, muscular endurance, etc.).

there are various types of shoulder training, the barbell press is an effective compound training movement and there are many different training details in one movement, the more you know, the better you will be able to train.