
When practicing yoga, we all know that the practice of opening the shoulders and hips are both important. Due to our lifestyle habits, our shoulders and hips can be in a rather tense and stiff state. Therefore, opening the shoulders and hips is also a continuous process.

Today we share with you a set of shoulder and hip opening sequences, which are recommended to be practiced daily to effectively relieve the stiffness and tightness of the body.

First set

7 body postures to strongly open the shoulders


1、standing forward bending clasped hand pose

Stand in mountain pose, hands open slightly wider than shoulder width

Hold both ends of the stretching belt behind the body

Exhale, close the core, fold the body and bend forward

Straighten your hands and look away from your body to the ground

Relax your neck naturally and stay for 8-10 breaths

2、stretch against the wall

Stand facing the wall, an arm's length away from the wall

Hands shoulder-width apart, palms against the wall

Exhale and slowly sink your upper body to the ground

Small arms and chin against the wall

Keep the armpits extended, stay for 8-10 breaths

3、melting heart pose

Prepare in four-legged kneeling position, toes hooked back

Inhale, extend the spine, straighten the hands forward

Exhale, bend forward and down, chest chin to the ground

Lumbar spine extension, stay for 8-10 breaths

4、camel pose

Kneel with both knees on the ground, legs hip-width apart

Calves and instep on the ground, thighs perpendicular to the ground

Hands on hips, shoulders back and shoulder blades inward

Body bends back slowly, hands fall towards the heels

Hips pushed forward, head on the spine extension line

Thorax open, stay for 8-10 breaths

5、table pose

Sitting position, feet hip-width apart

Bend both knees and feet on the ground, heels near the hips

Hands on the ground at the back of the body, fingertips facing forward

Exhale, close the core, lift the hips upward

Thighs and torso parallel to the ground

Clavicle spread, stay 8-10 breaths

6, eight twists

Lie down and prepare, hands flat on both sides

Push the ground with the left hand, twist the body to the right side

Yoga tile under the head, shoulders back

Interlock fingers behind the body with both hands, shoulder blades inward

Stay for 8-10 breaths, exchange the other side

7、supine open shoulder

Sitting or standing, two yoga bricks on the back side of the body

Slowly lie backwards with the lower edge of the scapula on the brick

Rest the back of the head on the yoga brick, chest spread

Stretch your arms over your head and stay there for 3-5 minutes

Second set

7 body postures to open the hips

1、simple sitting forward bend

Simple sitting position with calves crossed

Feet under the knees

Hands push the ground, body forward and down

Both knees sink, stay 1-2 minutes

2、squatting pose

Stand in mountain pose, feet hip-width apart

Toes out, exhale, bend knees and squat

Hands together in front of the chest, palm root push each other

Elbows on the inside of the knees, push outward

Sink both shoulders, stay for 8-10 breaths

3、crescent moon pose

Enter in downward dog pose, take a step forward with your right leg

Lower leg is perpendicular to the ground, left knee is on the back of the foot

Inhale, extend the spine, hands up

Exhale, bend backwards, hips sink

Tailbone to the ground, stay for 8-10 breaths

4、dragon pose

Exit from new moon pose, left hand on the ground

Abduct the right knee and lift the inner right foot off the ground

Put your right hand on your thigh and push your right leg outward

Sink your hips and twist your body to the right

Shoulders back, stay for 8-10 breaths

5、lizard pose variation

Exit from dragon pose, hook back the toe of the rear leg

Lift the knee off the ground and straighten the right leg

Push your elbows to the ground, or brace on a yoga block

Abduct the left knee and keep the back extended

Stay for 8-10 breaths, move 3-5 on the opposite side

6、sitting angle pose

Sitting and standing, legs open to both sides

Straighten both legs, hook your toes back

Evenly press the sciatic bones to the ground, straighten the sacrum

Palms together in front of the chest, stay for 8-10 breaths

7、supine angle pose

Lie on your back with the soles of your feet facing each other and enter the bound angle pose

Inhale, hands backward, grasp wrists

Exhale, core slightly tucked, shoulders relaxed

Sink both knees, stay for 3-5 minutes