
Vietnam attracts countless tourists to visit every year by virtue of its unique geographical location and exotic atmosphere.

Of course, in addition to the beautiful sights, the beautiful women of vietnam are also one of the reasons why people love to come to this country.

For a person is not beautiful or not, or according to people's aesthetics to decide, vietnam's beauty and our chinese very similar, petite body, eyebrows and beautiful face, are the reasons why people like them.

It is not difficult to find people who travel to this country, not only their face is very high and body is also very good, like everyone is fitness, we will take you to explore how the vietnamese ladies are raised it.

Of course, the differences between countries lead to the pursuit of beauty is different for each person. Our oriental aesthetics is more different from the westerners, we feel good looking they may not understand very well. They are more interested in three-dimensional features, angular, and we do not care about these, more concerned about an inner beauty, natural beauty of a state.


And today to say "Vietnam's first beauty" Is more powerful, she not only conforms to our oriental aesthetics, westerners also look very smooth and even individuals like her very much. Since this beauty let us the east and west aesthetic concept of different regions are identified, then she is in the end how beautiful it?

First of all, for an asian, height is generally lower, especially in countries like vietnam, the height of boys is also relatively low, but as a girl, the height reached 174cm, which is very high, even a little higher than some boys, but the height is not her most outstanding place, the body is not good, too high will look uncoordinated, but her body is very well maintained, weighing only 90 pounds. Weight is only 90 pounds, such a body can be considered uncommon.


Such a good body is not born with, in addition to the height advantage, more is attributed to her usual exercise, see that she is a very delicate girl in life. The body management is simply perfect, the place where the meat has meat, the place where the thin thin, the s-shaped body before and after the convex let everyone envy, a good body should be exercise exercise out, not by dieting thin out.

The body shape is a standard hourglass type, fully in line with our human aesthetic concept, with their perfect body in the world competition to get the world's top ten proud results. She is still very satisfied with herself, her own country has not gotten the world is one of the top two good results, such a ranking is already very good, this young lady has more than just the body that makes people envious, she also has a career that belongs to her own.


For her life is still relatively smooth, the whole person's temperament fallen generous, like a big girl, but also with their own efforts to make their career double success. We all know that to be successful we have to put in great effort, and a good body is also a big advantage to our success.


For her, the essential daily exercise program is fitness running, many examples tell us to have a good body, we have to pay the corresponding efforts, we can envy others, but also let others envy us, so stick to it, adhere to the movement every day, one day you will get the harvest!