
The biceps are the first thing many people train in the gym, and they are also the part of the muscle that is focused on training. But many people are very disorganized when it comes to training their biceps, not knowing how to train or how to do it. So today we will introduce a biceps muscle building program, let's go see it together!

Standing barbell curls

In each biceps exercise, choose a different barbell - straight bar, curved bar, fixed bar. Use a comfortable shoulder-width grip or a slightly narrower grip. When doing this section, usually tense your back, tuck your hips, and bend your knees slightly to keep tension in your lower back.

Perform the exercise at a moderate pace-not too fast and not too slow. This is the ideal process to get the muscles developed. The biceps should be contracted in place. Then slowly lower the biceps to restore them, and do so more slowly than the speed of the lift. The first of these is to make sure that the biceps are in place. 3-4 sets of 12-15 each.


Seated alternating dumbbell curls

The seated position also prevents the impact of too much momentum. I added a wrist turn to the curl and turned my wrist outward at the end of the lift. When i do this, i feel a stronger muscle contraction. This is for those with weak biceps, once you raise the spike contraction of the hazel biceps, you will show a clear line. The exercise sequence is the same as for standing barbell curls, medium speed overhead, contracted turn wrist, then slowly straighten and switch to the other arm for the same exercise. 3-4 sets of 14-20 reps each.


Arm curls

Arm curls with the help of a puller, dumbbells or curved bar. This is an exercise that trims the biceps line and increases blood flow to the hazel biceps. Regardless of the weight i use, the most important thing is to do it in a controlled manner each time. Bend to the highest point, then pause briefly and lower, making sure not to relax the muscle at the end of the exercise, but to do the biceps always maintaining constant tension. Because if you relax your spirit, at the end of the lift your biceps will be rested. 3-4 sets of 8-12 per set.