
have you ever struggled with your arms not being big enough?
In triceps training, the triceps pull down is the most common isolation exercise. It can be done in the gym with a gantry, or at home with an elastic band.
The movement is relatively simple, but we are sure to see a variety of postures in the gym: Half squats, standing straight, leaning forward. There are pull-downs with and without the arms separated. There are big arms perpendicular to the ground and there are flying elbows ......

many novice trainers may also be dazzled as to how to do this movement. First of all we need to know the structure of the triceps brachii
the triceps is located at the back of the upper arm and is made up of three parts: The long head, the lateral head and the medial head. If you want to exercise your arms, working the three heads of the triceps is key, and the triceps pull down is the key of keys.

triceps training is also good for improving overall strength and endurance. The core, back and shoulders will also be involved in the movement. As you increase your overall strength, the movement will also adapt to your strength and level.
Performing the movement correctly requires isolation of the muscles, which is a fundamental skill for many other movements.

step-by-step instructions for the movement
Face the pulley machine with the rope or straight bar attachment attached and a positive grip. Place the bar at approximately the height of the pectoral muscles. Adjust the pulley to the right height and use a lower weight. Weights may vary from machine to machine.
When you are ready to start.
Start by tightening your abdominals. Tuck your elbows in to your sides and spread your feet slightly apart. Inhale. Push down until your elbows are fully extended, but do not lock your joints completely straight. Keep your elbows close to your body and bend your knees slightly as you pull down. Do not bend forward. Keep your back as straight as possible. Exhale and return to the starting point under muscle control. Try not to let the weight block hit the floor. For beginners, aim to complete 4 sets of 8 reps.

common mistakes
1. Elbows open outwards
don't let your elbows flare outwards when pushing downwards. This reduces the work of the triceps and puts excess stress on the shoulders.
2. Unequal force from both sides
make sure the arms are pushing down smoothly.

3. Too much force from the back
you don't want to bend over with your back and shoulders to keep the weight down. That said, to ensure that your triceps are fully trained, lean forward slightly in your body and allow your knees to bend slightly. This position will ensure that all parts of the muscle are firing evenly.
Modifications and variations - do you need to modify?
If your gym has a pulley machine or gantry, then there may also be other grip styles for the handles. You may see straight bars, curved bars, such as e-z bars and v-bars. These bars are used in the same way, but you may feel more comfortable with a particular one.

if you can't get to the gym, or your gym doesn't have a pulley machine, try using resistance bands for your workouts at home or when you travel. You will also need to have fixed points overhead, such as metal bars, poles or hooks.
Hang a section of the resistance band from a secure point (the fixing point should be at least chin-high). Grasp the end of the resistance band and pull down in the same way as on the pulley machine.

tricep pulldowns can be performed with one hand or with both hands. Whether you are on a machine or using a resistance band, a two-handed pull down will be useful.
Doing one arm at a time will allow you to slow down and focus on correcting poor form. Single handed pull downs are also useful if one arm is recovering from an injury or if one arm is usually weaker than the other.

if you have the option of a rope attachment, you may want to consider using it, as it can make triceps training more strenuous if you pause when pulling it to the bottom. You can add variety to your tricep pulldowns by using a rope.