
No matter what you do to lose weight, the principle is the same: To keep the calorie gap open. Simply put, it's about making sure that the calories that are taken into your body are far less than the calories that are consumed, so that you can create a calorie gap and keep your body lean. This means that in terms of calorie intake, it is important to eat well, not to eat as little as possible or not to eat at all, but to eat in a more rational way. For calorie consumption, that is, through exercise, in addition to ensuring the consumption of daily activities, in the process of fat loss, the main thing is to do aerobic exercise.

the healthiest and most effective way to lose weight is to ensure that there is no change in overall calorie intake, and then regular aerobic exercise is just one step in the process. However, if you lose weight through diet and aerobic exercise, your body will not necessarily be in good shape.

there are also some people who, at a glance, do not look fat at all, but on closer inspection, the rest of the body is fine, but the abdomen will still have the presence of a large belly, or it could be because the skin in this area is too loose and not tight enough. Many people also think that when the body slims down, that's when the waistline appears, but it slowly becomes clear that a waistline doesn't always appear even after slimming down, just like being thin doesn't mean a good body, and the same goes for the waistline, slimming down doesn't always result in a waistline. Although the prerequisite for a waistline to appear is a reduction in body fat percentage, if the muscles in the abdominal area are not thick enough, the waistline will still not appear.

so, for the abdominal flab, you need to lose your belly, but for the waistline, just losing weight is not enough, you must also exercise. The movements below are all basic exercises for the abdomen, but as long as you stick to them for a long time and do them as well as possible, you will get the abdominal shape you want.
Movement 1: Sitting bent knees and tucked abdomen

bend your arms so that your hands are on the ground behind your hips, while sitting on the ground with your hips and the rest of your body free and not touching the ground. Bend your legs at the knees, lift your feet slightly off the ground and position your thighs close to your abdomen, tilt your body slightly backwards, then straighten your legs forward while allowing your body to tilt backwards at a greater angle, then bring your legs back and re-form a squeeze on your abdomen.
Action two: Supine flip abdominal squeeze

stretch your legs out straight and close to the ground, with your toes also straight, your upper body perpendicular to your legs, and with your hands straight ahead, parallel to each other and to your thighs. Lie back on your upper body until you are lying on your mat, turn your legs over your body and drop your feet to the floor above your head, pause, then bring your legs back up and sit up again, returning to the starting position for 15 reps.
Movement 3: Supported abdominal jump

bend your body down and straighten your arms, straighten your legs and bring them together to support your whole body. Keep your back straight and your abdomen tucked in, eyes to the ground, jump your legs forward, jump to a position below your hips, let your legs bend, pause briefly, then jump your legs backwards and straighten them out, do 15 reps.
Movement 4: Side support knee lift and abdominal tuck

lying on your side, support your body with one arm and stretch your legs straight out to support your body, but place your legs staggered, not overlapping, and place your feet back and forth. The upper arm is bent and the body is seen in a diagonal line from the side, with the abdomen tightened. Lift one leg upwards for a knee lift, bring the leg back down and lift the other leg upwards. Do 15 reps.
It is not necessary to go as fast as possible when performing the above movements, but slowing down will also make a difference. Rest between sets, or skip them if you don't feel very tired, but don't let your body move during the rest period. The abdominal position is of great interest, focusing on fat loss and shaping, chasing away the flab and building muscle.