
for beginners: The upright abdominal contraction

objectives:Abs, lower back
feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, shoulders down. Tighten your abs and tilt your pelvis forward so that your back is rounded. Return to centre and reverse the movement - tilt the pelvis back so that the hips stick out. Do 15 for 2 sets. Beginners:Ballet twist

target:Abdominal obliques, abdominal muscles
sit on the mat with legs straight, toes pointed, thighs together and abdominals exerted. Lean back, forearms on the mat, palms flat, fingers forward. Place left forearm on mat, raise right arm overhead and twist torso to left side. Return to centre. Swap arms and twist to the right. Alternate for 20 reps for 2 sets. Beginners:Squat twist

targets:Arms, abs, obliques, legs
stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Bring together from the hip joints (squat) and place your hands on the floor about 20-30 cm in front of your feet. Keeping your head down and tightening your abs, lift your left foot. Sweep the left leg in front of the right leg as you turn the right foot outwards, bending the right knee. Then switch directions and alternate for 20 reps for 2 sets. Intermediate:Core rotation

target: Abs, lower back
spread your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly and push your abdominals. Place palms of hands on thighs, fingers pointing towards each other. Rotate the torso clockwise - push the chest towards the left hip (), then do a half circle to the right; continue this cycle back to the beginning. Control of the arms against the rotation of the body. Do 15 reps for 3 sets. Intermediate: Ballet leg lift

targets: Obliques, abs, legs
sit on the mat with your legs straight, thighs together, toes pointed outwards, abdominal muscles exerted. Lean back, forearms on the mat, palms flat, fingers facing forward. Place your left forearm on the mat and raise your right arm above your head. Raise upper body and left leg 45 degrees and twist upper body to the left. Return to centre and swap sides. Alternate for 20 reps for 3 sets. Intermediate:Squat turn leg raise

targets:Arms, abs, obliques, legs
repeat ballet leg lifts with + squat turn. Hold this position (left leg straight, right knee bent, hands on the floor in front of you) and lift the left leg up towards the right knee and lower it. Do 5 leg lifts, then return to start. Switch sides and repeat. Do 12 reps alternately for 2 sets. Advanced:Egyptian spin

target: Abs, lower back
spread your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly and push your abdominals. Raise arms above head, palms together, elbows slightly bent, shoulders down. Rotate torso clockwise - push chest towards left hip, then make a half circle towards right hip; continue this cycle back to the start. Do 15 reps. Switch direction and repeat. 3 sets total. Advanced:Double ballet twist

targets: Obliques, abs, legs
sit on the mat with legs straight, thighs together, toes pointed outwards and abdominals exerted. Lean back, forearms on the mat, palms flat, fingers forward. Place your left forearm on the mat and raise your right arm above your head. As you twist your torso to the left, lift your legs up 45 degrees. Return to the middle, then down and repeat to the right. Alternate for 20 reps for 3 sets. Advanced:Squat lift arm twist

targets: Arms, abs, obliques, legs
repeat squat twist (left leg straight, right knee bent, palms on the floor). Raise right arm overhead and lift left leg towards right knee; low. Do 5 leg lifts, then start again. Switch sides and repeat. Do 12 reps alternately for 3 sets.