
Weight loss is still a hot topic today, and it is always a popular topic of daily gossip among women. Although girls are crying out for weight loss nowadays, you will actually find that not many of them can actually have the self-control to keep going on their weight loss journey. So the first thing you need to do to get yourself out of the fat trap is to develop a strong determination to keep going based on scientific methods, whether or not there are visible results. With this determination followed by the correct fat burning methods, you will never have to struggle with body fat again.

When it comes to exercise, running is almost universally preferred, with more than half of the population preferring to burn fat by running. However, it is recommended to use hiit training or regular aerobic exercise. I believe we all know that if we want to burn fat, we should do aerobic training, but the fat-burning effect of hiit training is much more than ordinary aerobic training, and the fat-burning effect of 10 minutes of hiit training can be comparable to one hour of long-distance running training.

So what does hiit training mean? Hiit training is actually also called high intensity interval training, which can simply be understood as performing several different high intensity fat burning workouts in a row, with appropriate rest. This will greatly increase our calorie gap, and the essence of fat loss is to increase the consumption of excess fat already present in the body through the calorie gap.

But there is another way to increase the calorie gap, and that is through calorie intake. But after all, there is a limit to calorie control, we still need a certain amount of energy for our daily activities and we cannot reduce our food intake indefinitely. So we can keep our calorie intake to the minimum that we need to train, and with regular exercise, we can continue to increase our calorie deficit. So here are four short, efficient exercises that take around ten minutes to complete.

Movement 1: Open and closed jumps (30-40 seconds of training)

The open and closed jump is a classic fat-burning exercise that allows fat to be burned quickly through a wide range of movements and a faster rhythm of movement. Spread your legs slightly, straighten your back and contract your abdomen, and lower your arms naturally. Then jump upwards with your legs in the air, opening your legs outwards and swinging your arms upwards to high five overhead. When the legs hit the ground, jump back up to the sides of the body and drop the arms with them. Be consistent in this exercise and cushion your landing.

Movement 2: Wide squat (about 15 reps)

The deep squat can also have a good fat burning effect if the tempo of the movement is adjusted to be faster. Start by spreading your legs apart so that your feet are twice as wide as your shoulders, straightening your back and contracting your abdomen, and dropping your arms naturally. Then move your hips back and bend your legs at the knees to perform a deep squat, while holding your hands in front of your chest. Pause for a moment as you bring your thighs parallel to your body, then rise and return. Keep your back straight throughout the exercise.

Movement 3: Push-ups (train about 15 times)

Although it is often seen in back muscle training, it also has a great fat burning effect. Start by bending over in preparation with your arms straight and perpendicular to the ground directly below your shoulders, straighten your back so that your upper body is parallel to the ground and your legs are straight and together behind you. Then, keeping your balance, slowly bend your legs at the elbows and bend downwards, and when your chest immediately touches the ground, slowly straighten your arms and restore them. Pay attention to the stability of your body during the movement and keep your back straight throughout.

Movement 4: Open and closed bobby jump (thirty seconds training)

Combining open and closed jumps with bob jumps will make the bob jumps more fluid and they will double the fat burning effect. Start by standing with your feet slightly apart and your arms hanging naturally. Straighten your back and legs and jump upwards, while raising your arms up and straightening them. After landing on your feet, lean down so that your hands are supported on the ground and your legs are bent at the knees and then straightened backwards, then open your legs to the sides in an open and closed jump. After a short pause, jump back on your legs, bend your knees and let your upper body brace up and return to the starting position. Note the consistency of the movement.