
The weather is getting hotter and hotter these days, and it's almost time to sweat it out. So some people want to be lazy and stop practicing yoga! Don't have this notion, don't miss out on the golden period of yoga.


With the introduction of air conditioning, we can pretend not to ask about the seasons, but our bodies still enter summer on time and operate according to the rules of summer. The benefits of practising yoga in summer are naturally unmatched by any other season. Find out together.


Top 3 benefits of summer yoga


01the best time to shape up


Summer is the best time for fat loss and shaping as the body's qi and blood flow more freely and the metabolic rate is faster due to the high temperature. If you choose to practice some power yoga at this time, you can not only increase your body muscle mass, but also have a better effect on the overall fat loss and shaping!

02 winter illnesses and summer treatment

Summer is one of the most abundant seasons for yang energy. In spring and summer, the body's metabolism is at its peak, which is conducive to the discharge of cold and dampness deposited in the body. For people with a cold and weak constitution, summer is the best period for treatment.


In particular, those with arthritis, heavy dampness and severe coldness should seize this opportunity to practice yoga and do some supplementary exercises for damaged joints, which will help to expel cold stagnation and accumulated dampness from the body.

03 nourish the heart

Summer is fire, which corresponds to the heart, so nourishing the heart is a key point in summer.


Yoga is a way of adjusting the internal environment through meditation and breathing to achieve an optimal balance of heart rate, blood pressure and metabolism. Practicing yoga in the hot summer months can calm our mind and eliminate bad emotions such as restlessness and excessive tension.

30-minute yoga sequence

Today we recommend a set of yoga suitable for summer, especially for morning yoga. Practice it for 30 minutes a day to bring you a day full of energy!


Asana 00 bhajana warm-up

Warm up with 3-5 bhajans to boost your energy!


Asana 01 downward facing dog

Move from cat-cow pose into downward facing dog pose

Pause for 3-5 breaths


Asana 02 single leg downward facing dog

Inhale and raise the right leg back up

Move into single leg downward facing dog


Asana 03 reverse dog pose

Exhale, right calf back

Into reverse dog


Asana 04 inclined plank mountain pose

Exhale, tighten core

Bend right knee up

Into incline plank mountaineering


Asana 05 single leg downward facing dog

Inhale and raise the right leg back up again

Return to single leg downward facing dog


Asana 06 high lunge

Exhale and bend the right leg forward

Into high lunge


Asana 07 high lunge twist

Inhale, point left hand to the ground

Exhale, tighten core

Right hand opens upwards, chest twists


Asana 08 warrior i twist

Inhale, enter warrior i

Exhale, twist to the right



Asana 09 warrior i backbend

Inhale, extend the spine and straighten the left hand upwards

Place your right hand back on the back of your left thigh

Exhale and bend back slightly


Asana 10 reverse triangle stretch

Inhale, straighten right leg

Pelvis squared, right hand straightened up

Exhale, body bends to the left side

Enter reverse triangle stretch

Asana 11 warrior 2

Inhale, bend right knee into warrior ii

Stabilise the pelvis and extend the spine

Asana 12 incline plank

Exhale into incline plank

Asana 13 side plank variation

Inhale and turn your body sideways to the left

Right foot pressed against left thigh root

Exhale, tighten core


Asanas 14-16 vinyasa flow

Inhale, return body to plank pose

Exhale, bend elbows into four pillar support

Inhale and come into upper dog pose

Exhale, return to downward facing dog, stay in for 3-5 breaths


Note that the sequence can be practiced again on the other side. The above sequence can be done one breath per asana or with 3-5 breaths depending on the practitioner's fitness and level!