
For women, the areas of the body that are most prone to fat accumulation and shaping are often the hips, thighs and rear legs. Often, a person's upper body is very thin and before all the fat is burned in the lower body, his abdomen takes on an incredible profile (bloated). This is a characteristic of women.

But, don't despair! The following methods will give you the necessary advice to help you burn the stubborn fat in your lower body and get back the beautiful curves you deserve.

Watch what you eat

Diet has always been an important factor in fitness and shaping, and you need to start with it to change the appearance of your lower body. You can do strength training and do cardio, but without changing your diet you will never see the fitness results you want. A healthy diet doesn't have to be scary and boring either. Teach yourself the right food choices and you will find that there are many delicious options. Making the effort to constantly try and learn the best food choices for your body and exercise level will almost always leave you satisfied. Make sure you don't overlook any major nutrients as they are all good for your body.

Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are essential to any good diet plan. Try to survive without one of them and you are sure to be a miserable person. If you are very hungry, eat some fibre-rich vegetables; no one gets fat from eating vegetables, try not to eat sweets and reduce your carbohydrate intake as appropriate to your personal situation. Finally, don't completely deprive yourself of everything you love (junk food, fried food, overly processed food must be kept away), eat something not that healthy once in a while, but don't make it a habit.

Strength training and doing the necessary lower body exercises


Strength training is vital to transform your lower body. The biggest misconception women have is that if they do any weight exercises they will get big and fat. Wrong! In order to get rid of body fat and achieve the perfect lower body curves, you need to change it by constantly using strength training.

Don't be afraid, but if you have a lot of body fat, you may get slightly fatter for a short period of time and then get smaller. This is a common phenomenon that deters many women from going to the gym. Knowing in advance that this may happen and sticking to it through this short period of time will be the best thing you ever do. Once your body realises that you are constantly challenging your lower body, it will adapt and become leaner and firmer.

Best exercises for any woman.

Deep squats: Full and parallel squats will surprise you with how much you can change; your entire lower body will feel the effects of this powerful workout. Note:It is recommended to use a smith machine for training. This will prevent excessive weight, which can lead to chronic injury as the body continually fatigues the same muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Lunge lunge walks, stationary lunges and cross lunges can all make you feel stronger.

Lunge walk once you have mastered the coordination of this exercise, you will notice the difference between your quads and gluteus maximus.

Hard pull a mixture of different types of hard pull will target the back of your thighs, an area where many women have a concentration of fat.

Obviously there are many other exercises that are good for lower body shaping, but we recommend focusing on these four areas above, while maximising the amount of practice in your training.

Aerobic exercises should be incorporated into your training programme

Cardiovascular exercise, also known as aerobic exercise, is important to any exercise programme. The problem is that women think that doing cardio is the key to staying slim and fit. Wrong! We highly recommend cardio, but it should be used to put the finishing touches on your physique. After you have mastered your diet and strength training plan, your cardio should be adapted.

At first do cardio only 3-4 days a week. Some people need more, some need less. A good rule of thumb is no more than 30-45 minutes at most. More than this can actually hinder your progress as you start to release too much cortisol (an adrenal hormone released during times of stress, which is designed to store fat and use muscle as fuel!)

Obviously, choose the activity you enjoy the most. By choosing an aerobic activity that you don't really dread, you'll find it easier to stick to your plan. Choose some good music or a good partner.

The most effective aerobic exercises we have found are:

The stair machine:This machine hits almost every muscle in your lower body; the benefits of this equipment will be felt with consistent use. Focus on squeezing the gluteus maximus and hamstrings with each step. You can also change the position of your body to target specific areas. Stepping forward and sideways can also change the length of the stride and the position of the foot. Note: Not recommended for people with knee problems.

Set the treadmill on an incline:Walking alone is a great exercise; however, you will get more bang for your buck when you set the treadmill on an incline. By doing so, you are forcing your lower body to work harder. Set the machine to the highest height you can tolerate and keep it at the right speed. This may seem very difficult at first, but take one step at a time towards your goal. Go for as long as you can, then you can grab the top of the treadmill to get adjusted and stable and repeat for as long as possible. With each step, concentrate on tightening your lower body; by doing this, your gluteus maximus will lift and your legs will become leaner and more toned.

Elliptical:This equipment will definitely give you a better workout. It puts much less stress on your joints than running and helps you reach your body shape goals by constantly challenging every inch of your body. You can use this machine to maintain a steady pace, or to change speeds.

If you have stopped progressing and are no longer getting visible fitness results, it is time to take a risk and make a change. How many times have you always gone to the gym, but looked the same month after month? Actually, you can change it quite easily.

We usually recommend changing your training plan every 4-6 weeks depending on how you are doing. The body adapts very quickly and constantly needs changes. Choose some exercises that you have never done before and see how your body reacts; if you don't like the way you look or feel now, you can move on to exercises that are more beneficial to you. The wonderful thing about taking risks is that you may find that certain exercises can take you to the next level of fitness. You may not benefit from some exercises, but if you don't like them, you always have the freedom of choice.

We recommend that you not only venture into strength training styles , but also cardio variations. Regular gym goers stick to the same machine day in and day out because they are worried that they won't see the results of another piece of equipment. Switching to another machine almost guarantees that you will see some results. The human body loves a challenge and will usually give you an ever-changing body as a reward for change.

Be patient; the best results won't come overnight

Now that you have some lower body shaping advice, challenge yourself to try at least one new thing at the gym this week. You may not notice a change right away, but stick with it for a few weeks and then evaluate your changes. It takes time to keep changing your shape, so make sure you take the time to achieve results. Gradual weight loss is good for your mind and body; if you lose weight slowly, but stick with it over time, you are more likely to lose weight successfully.

Finally, throw away your scales

Don't get bogged down in weight loss; focus more on losing weight and reducing the parts of your body you're less happy with. Who cares about your weight? For example, you may weigh 140 pounds, but you look like another person who weighs 120 pounds.

Your body proportions are much more important than the number on the scale. The scale doesn't know if you have fat or muscle, so why lie to yourself? Using your clothes and a mirror to assess your changes is the best option.

Remember, your lower body curves, after trusting in science and training hard, could end up being your best asset!

Lower body "Stubborn areas" Training programme for women

Butt and thigh training programme for beginners (3 days a week for the butt and thighs and the rest of the week for the rest of the body)

Monday, wednesday, friday

Leg extensions 2 sets of 15-18 reps each (1 minute rest)

Leg curls 2 sets of 15-18 reps each (1 minute rest)

Squats 2 sets of 15-18 reps each (1 min rest)

Lunge 2 sets of 15-18 reps each (1 min rest)

Intermediate glutes and thighs (two days a week for glutes and thighs and the rest of the week for other body parts)


Leg extensions 3 sets of 15-18 reps each (1 min rest)

Leg curls 3 sets of 15-18 reps each (1 minute rest)

Squats 4 sets of 15-18 reps each (1 min rest)

Lunge 4 sets of 15-18 reps each (1 min rest)


Deep squats (using wide stance) 4 sets of 15-18 reps each (1 min rest)

Leg extensions 3 sets of 15-18 reps each (1 min rest)

3 sets of 15-18 repetitions of straight leg pull-ups (1 minute rest)

Stepping 4 sets of 15-18 reps (1 min rest)

Advanced hip and thigh training programme (two days a week for hip and thigh training and the rest of the week for other body parts)


Leg extensions 4 sets of 15-18 reps (1 minute rest)

Standing leg bend 4 sets of 10-12 reps each (1 minute rest)

Deep squats (using wide stance) 5 sets of 10-15 reps (1 minute rest)

Huck squats 4 sets of 10-12 reps each (1 minute rest)


Squat 5 sets of 8-12 reps (1 min rest)

Leg extensions 4 sets of 15-18 reps each (1 min rest)

Straight leg pull 4 sets of 10-12 reps each (1 min rest)

Lunge 4 sets of 15-18 reps each (1 min rest)

Step 3 sets of 15-18 reps (1 min rest)