
As we all know, the latissimus dorsi is an important part of the back muscles and is one of the key muscles that affect the "V" Shape. Having a strong latissimus dorsi gives your back a better shape and a more defined muscle profile. To create a great body for dressing, you need to work on your latissimus dorsi.

The latissimus dorsi is located in the lower thoracic region and is responsible for the extension and retraction of the muscle, as well as assisting with inhalation.

As there are more back muscle groups and therefore more parts involved in the exercise, many beginner gym goers have difficulty in feeling if the back muscles are firing when they exercise their back. So you can only improve your movements and find the right place to fire as you train the latissimus dorsi.

How to exercise the latissimus dorsi? Here are 4 moves we recommend to activate the latissimus dorsi better.

First movement: Prone single arm row

Target muscle: Middle latissimus dorsi

1. Bend over, one hand supported on the bench, knee slightly bent, the calf on the same side also supported on the bench, knee bent, the other hand grasping the apparatus in chest position, the foot on the same side on the ground, back flat, this is the preparatory movement.

2. With the middle of the latissimus dorsi, slowly lower the machine to its lowest point.

3. After a few moments of rest, slowly return to the preparatory movement, completing the exercise on one side before switching sides and repeating the exercise.

Second movement: Machine rowing

Target muscle: Latissimus dorsi

1. Sit facing the machine with your feet on the pedals, knees slightly bent, arms straight and gripping the handles, elbows slightly bent and back straight.

2. Contract your back and stretch the rope with both hands to reach the front of your chest.

3. After 1-2 seconds of rest, use the strength of the latissimus dorsi to slowly bring the rope back to the preparatory movement.

Third movement: Narrow grip chest pull down

Target muscles: Latissimus dorsi, biceps femoris and rhomboids

1. Sit facing the machine, feet on the ground, hands on the handles, elbows slightly bent, chest up and abdominals tightened, this is the preparatory movement.

2. Contract the latissimus dorsi muscles, inhale and pull down the rope to the top of the chest.

3. After 2-3 seconds of resting, exhale and stretch the latissimus dorsi to return to the preparatory movement.

Fourth movement: Standing straight arm press with equipment

Target muscle: Lower latissimus dorsi

1. Stand facing the machine with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the handles with your hands straight, shoulder-width apart, elbows slightly bent, keep your lower back straight, lean forward slightly and tighten your abdominals as a preparatory movement.

2. With the latissimus dorsi muscles, pull down the rope to the base of the thighs.

3. After 1-2 seconds of resting, return to the preparatory movement.

If the above 4 movements are not standardized, it is easy to have the arm muscles instead of the latissimus dorsi.