
As age increases, the elderly lose muscle as their bone density decreases and their strength level slips.

Step into old age session, you must increase the strength exercise to achieve increased results, but also to maintain a normal walk and prevent joint injuries.

So how should the elderly quickly gain muscle?

The following set of training methods are highly recommended.

tiptoe 50 per day

It can enhance the volume of the leg muscles, but also enhance the energy of the forefoot, improve the stability of standing posture and hiking.

When you stand up, both sides of your arms will be sent down, straighten your back, lift your heels hard until all the arches of your feet are far from the ground, send your arches and heels, adjust and repeat the action.

Note: You can use both hands to support the wall or your back, keeping the forefoot fixed and as far up as possible.

It is recommended to tiptoe 50 times a day, divided into 5 groups * 10 exercises.

Deep squats 40 per day

It strengthens the thigh root and lumbar muscles, and also enhances the energy of the lower limb joints and increases the strength of the knee joint.

The body should of course stand up, adjust both feet shoulder-width shoulder-width apart, lift your arms upward horizontally and straighten your back.

Bend your knees to squat, try to squat to the horizontal position to terminate, take the opportunity to stand up, stand up the right bank, adjust and repeat the action.

Note: Because the elderly are not flexible enough, so the strength of the bent knee does not have to be too low, just do squatting.

It is recommended to do 40 weighted squats per day, divided into 5 groups * 8 exercises.

push-ups 30 per day

It can strengthen the arms, shoulders, muscles and their core strength, but also exercise the latissimus dorsi.

Knee squat to the bottom position, hands and feet supported on the road, abdominal and hip tightening.

Bend the elbows down to send the body until the arms are parallel to the ground when terminated, lift the body with force, adjust and repeat the movement.

Note: the legs slightly apart, can reduce the difficulty factor of the action, hands spaced slightly wider than the shoulders, keep the action at an even pace can be.

It is recommended to do 30 push-ups per day, divided into 5 groups * 6 exercises.

The elderly want to quickly increase muscle, first to exercise the calf and inner thigh muscles, then exercise the upper body muscles, and finally exercise the deep core strength.

First understand the basic movements, and then gradually increase the amount of exercise in the middle and later stages, so that long-term exercise to increase the effect is better.