
Dumbbell flying bird in the pectoral muscle training is a classic action, because it is a single joint action, the pectoral muscle force is more obvious, so it is loved by many people, however, dumbbell flying bird although it looks simple, but easy to make mistakes, especially beginners, how should people do dumbbell flying bird?

01 details of practicing pectoral muscles

1, stabilize the scapulae

This is the most common cue in the bench press method, the shoulder position is particularly important! Many people shrug their shoulders (scapular lift) and rotate their shoulders internally during exercise! This can cause you to lose a tremendous amount of tension in your pecs. You need to remember that when the dumbbells are lifted upwards, you need to remember that only the big arms go up and the scapulae better stay put! The advice here is to keep your shoulder blades slightly back and down, keeping your upper back as close to the bench as possible! When slapping with the hands open, the shoulders must be locked.

2, the top of the movement so that the large arm efforts to approach

The biggest reason many people don't feel the squeeze is because the shoulders aren't tucked in enough horizontally and there's not enough resistance in the contraction phase! Feeling your arms close hard at the top of the movement when closed will help you increase the range of motion of the shoulder contraction and shorten the pectoral fibers. Arms (humerus) approaching hard will help increase the range of shoulder contraction and squeeze the pectoral muscles better.

3, the top of the action to reverse grip position

This technique is similar to the second principle. As the dumbbell moves upward, you can try turning your palm toward yourself, which will help bring the large arm closer to you. It is generally believed that the dumbbell bird causes damage to the shoulders, so few people will do it. But in reality the dumbbell bird is as problem-free and very safe as many other training movements. One of the main functions of the chest is to contract the arms. The "Dumbbell" Is a very direct and effective way to train.

02 common misconceptions about dumbbell flying bird

1、inadequate preparation activities

Dumbbirds have a large shoulder joint movement angle, so warm-up training of the shoulders and upper back is very important. Many injuries are the result of neglecting warm-up training, not the exercise itself.

Suggestion: Do the necessary exercises for shoulder wrapping and extension. One of the most effective exercises is to wrap your shoulders with an elastic band or polyvinyl chloride bar. Choose the appropriate grip according to your strength and do 3 sets of 12-15 sets of shoulder wraps per group to warm up.

2. Angle of wrist action

When releasing the dumbbells, the wrists turn with them, and when the lowest point is reached, the palms of the hands face the feet. Therefore, it can significantly increase the weight of the shoulder, while affecting the angle of movement of the shoulder joint and the depth of the dumbbell, reducing the natural burden on the chest and decreasing the efficiency of chest stimulation.

Although many professional athletes will adjust their wrists according to different chest positions, for amateurs, the palms of the hands should always face the chest during exercise, whether descending or ascending, that is, the palms of the hands should always face the chest, that is, the palms of the hands are always relative to each other, so that the stimulation of the chest is greater and the burden on the shoulder joints is minimal.

3, the back did not strengthen the control

In the bench press movement, a tight back is very important. Similarly, if the dumbbell lacks good control of back pressure, it can also lead to poor training results or even injury.

During the dumbbell bird exercise, the scapulae should be folded toward the middle or down and maintained throughout the exercise. A simple method is easy to implement. After lying down, step on the ground with both feet and let your body glide across the training table for a distance, folding your scapulae toward the middle or downward in the process.

03 for the analysis of dumbbell flying bird

1, the impact of the angle of the chair on the training effect

When doing inclined dumbbells, we often lie on the inclined chair. Some friends will say that the greater the angle, the better. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. As the angle increases, the stimulation of the shoulder increases and the stimulation of the chest decreases, which has a great impact on the effectiveness of the exercise.

2、don't over exaggerate the movement when the movement reaches the lowest point

The contraction and tension of the muscles are maximized in strength training, which is beneficial to our training. However, when the dumbbell is lowered to the lowest point, the contraction and tension of the muscles will become greater and the stress on the shoulders will increase, while the long-term training will also cause damage to the shoulders.

3, mastering the correct bell holding technique

Some people think that the dumbbell rises to the highest point is the beginning of the movement, and some people think that the dumbbell begins at the sides. So, today it is analyzed at its lowest and highest points. At the lowest point, we hold the dumbbell in our hand with the palm facing up. As the dumbbell descends, there will be a strong stretch in the chest, the stimulation of the chest will increase, and the effect of exercising the muscles will be obvious.

4, dumbbell flying bird movements

Adjust the angle of the seat. We adjust the seat to 30 degrees to increase the stimulation of the pectoral muscles. If increased, the stimulating effect of the shoulder deltoids increases, and the stimulating effect of the pectoral muscles decreases. Body lying flat on the inclined chair, hands holding dumbbells, placed directly above the shoulders, feet palms on the ground, shoulder blades contracted backward, so that the back against the back of the chair, contracting the abdominal muscles, keeping the neck extended.

Exercise process: When the dumbbells move upward, so that the route of movement is triangular, when the dumbbells collide with the top of the chest, peak contraction for 1 second, the pectoral muscles to have a strong sense of squeeze, and then slowly put the dumbbells back to the original position. Exercise intensity: It is recommended to do about 3 sets of 10 times each, with continuous movement and no rest in between.

The dumbbell flying bird for pectoral muscle exercise has obvious effects, but people in the dumbbell flying bird when it is easy to do wrong, so before doing dumbbell flying bird to understand the dumbbell flying bird when the frequent misunderstandings, for people to regulate fitness has a great role.