
Yoga practice, we often see many people and teachers, before and after the practice will use the foam roller to relax, so what is the benefit of rolling foam roller?


In fact, this is a good way to relax the fascia and muscles.

Like massage, foam rolling can stimulate the metabolism of the fascia, replenish water and nutrient supply, promote the metabolism of waste in the muscles, reduce the adhesion of muscles and fascia, effectively restore the elasticity of muscles, and better perform their functions.

So, today we share with you 14 foam axis movements, which can effectively relax the muscles and fascia of the whole body, and are more comfortable than massage after practice.


Action 1-2: Relax the upper and middle back

    Foam axis on the upper back

    Lie on your back on the foam axis

    Put your hands on the back of your head

    Roll back and forth until upper back is completely relaxed

    Place the foam shaft on the middle back

    Hands on the back of the head

    Exhale, open the chest and drop the head in a controlled manner

    Inhale, slightly tuck the chin, head and neck leading the thoracic spine upward

    Repeat the exercise 8-10 times


Action 3: Relax the front serratus

    Lie on your side and place the foam shaft on the

    Position of the anterior serratus muscle below the armpit

    Exhale and roll back and forth until relaxed

    Switch to the other side


Movement 4: Relax the lower back

    Little bridge supine on the mat

    Place the foam shaft on the lower back

    Exhale, rotate the pelvis and lift the hips backwards

    Exhale and lower hips in a controlled and relaxed manner


    Repeat the exercise 8-10 times

Movement 5: Relax the lumbar square muscle

    Lie on your side and place the foam shaft on the side of your lower back

    Position below the rib cage, support the mat with the small arm

    Exhale and roll back and forth in small increments

    Until relaxed, switch to the other side


Movement 6: Relax the sacroiliac joint

    Lie on your back on the mat

    Place the foam shaft in the sacroiliac joint position

    Bend both knees and hold the front of the calf with both hands

    Rock from side to side until relaxed


Movement 7: Relax the hips

    Sitting and standing on the foam axis

    Bend both knees and place your hands on the back side of your body to support the mat

    Place the right calf on the left thigh

    Place left hand on right calf or behind you

    Slow and controlled rolling back and forth

    Until the hips are completely relaxed, switch to the other side


Movement 8: Relax the iliopsoas and groin

    Place the foam shaft on the front side of the right thigh at the hip

    And groin

    Roll slowly until completely relaxed

    Switch to the other side


Movement 9: Relax the front side of the thigh

    Lie prone on the mat

    Place the foam shaft on the front side of your thighs

    Support both elbows on the mat

    Tighten your core and use the strength of your body

    Roll back and forth until the front side of the thighs are relaxed


Action 10: Relax the inner thighs

    Lie down on the mat with elbows on the mat

    Bend the left knee and open it outward (froggy motion)

    Place the foam shaft on the inner thighs

    Roll the inner thighs

    Until the inner thighs are completely relaxed, switch to the other side


Action 11: Relax the outer thighs

    Place the foam shaft on the outer thighs and hips

    Roll up and down until the outside of the thigh and the outside of the hip

    Completely relax and switch to the other side


Action 12: Relax the back of the thighs

    Place the foam shaft on the back of the thighs

    Support your hands on the back side of your body and lift your hips

    Roll back and forth until the back of the thighs are relaxed


Action 13: Relax the calves

    Sitting and standing on the mat

    Place the foam shaft on the back side of the calf

    Place your hands on the sides of your body

    Slowly lift the hips and roll back and forth

    Until the back of the calf is relaxed

    You can relax both sides at the same time

    You can also put one leg on the other leg to relax unilaterally

    More sensation


Action 14: Relax your arms and shoulders

    Kneel on the mat with your legs slightly more than hip-width apart

    Put your hands on the foam shaft, exhale and roll the foam shaft forward

    Bend your body forward and down, breathe in and restore

    Repeat the exercise 8-10 times


Ps: Note that when rolling, do not need too hard, fascia like similar to squeeze the sponge kind of feeling, gently rolling can.