
painful leg training day
when did you start to resent leg training less?

Going a size up even in shorts sounds like an annoying thing to do. The hardest part of your entire body to train, the circumference surprisingly breaks expectations!
How on earth did that happen? Super pile driver is not good at all to train, especially the short body and long legs, or the body has the shortcomings of the small partners, and the master leg training program are inseparable from these 3 methods.

huck squat
efficient quadriceps training is hard work, even to the point of feeling nauseous and practising vomiting, and groucho ...... Has to work hard for it if you want to build an impressive pair of thighs.
Let's take a look at 3 effective training methods that will achieve your goals as quickly as possible.

thigh muscles
method 1 - front of neck squat / back of neck squat training
without a doubt, the front neck squat and the back neck squat are two of the most effective quadriceps training movements. Many bodybuilders have an impressive pair of thighs and these movements are a staple in their leg training programme.

front neck squat
perform a 30 minute emom workout with one set a minute, so do 3 deep front neck squats a minute. If at some point you are unable to complete 3 front neck squats, do back neck squats for the remainder of the 30 minutes. Choose 70% of your maximum weight for the deadlift.
This method allows for multiple reps in a short period of time, ending the workout with a few posterior chain and calf reps.

front neck squat
leg training programme 1
training movement number of sets reps rhythm
front neck squat/back neck squat 30 3 3 seconds squat, 1 second stand up
romanian hard pull 3 8-12 3 sec squat, 1 sec stand up
machine leg curl 3 8-12 3 sec lower, 1 sec lift
standing dumbbell heel raises 3 10-12 2 sec lower, 1 sec stand
when you can't do 3 front neck squats in a minute, switch to back neck squats
this exercise looks easy, when you are standing up in a deep squat it becomes uncomplicated.

barbell squats
method 2 - timed completion of the leg workout
equipment training is best for this method: Bell squats, huck squats, or inverted pedals are all good options.
Don't finish when you have completed the specified number of reps, but continue to repeat the movement until you have reached the time specified for completion.

bell pendulum squats
do 2 sets, timing each set to start at 90 seconds. After completing 3 weeks, gradually increase to doing 3 sets of 120 seconds each. Try not to pause between each movement and keep tension throughout.

huck squat
leg training programme 2
training movement number of sets number of reps
squats 4-5 8-12
prone machine leg curl 4-5 8-12
dumbbell arrow walk 3-4 10-12
wide grip romanian hard pull 3-4 10-12
machine heel lifts 3-4 15-20
hack squats 2-3 timed reps (90s-120s)
do each set for 90-120s, choosing a controlled tempo and maintaining tension throughout the set

prone leg curl
method 3 - 20 reps of deep squats
many bodybuilders have been using this method for a long time, and it is even a rite of passage for those who love to lift iron. Enthusiasts who support the 20-rep squat include brooks kubik, pirri redd, john mccallum and tom platz to name but a few, and their level speaks for itself.

barbell squats
before doing a set of 20 squats, do a few warm-up sets and choose a barbell with a 60% 1rm weight for 10 perfect reps. Even if the weight is not that heavy, your heart rate will increase and your legs will burn. For the last 10 reps, take a few deep breaths at the highest point of the showroom for each movement.
Between 15 and 20 reps, pausing allows more movements to be completed than if there were no pauses.

barbell squats
do these squats twice a week for 20 reps for 6 weeks. Increase the weight by 2.5kg to 5kg after each successful completion of 20 reps.
There's nothing special about 20 reps, just bite the bullet and be done with it. If you are willing to put in the effort, you will find yourself transforming.

squat day
play iron with your heart, your body needs your whole body to progress together, drop the self-esteem credo, there's more to training than just your upper body, 3 simple and dry training options to take leg circumference and strength to new heights!