
hard pull
every time a deep squat is practiced to the knees, both the circumference and strength are strong and unsatisfactory? It is said that to train the pile driver general super thighs, have to work on training legs, and what you value is surprisingly not the quadriceps.
Even though the thigh muscles make up more than half of your body, the hamstrings are hiding in the corner, unexplored by you. If you want to make overall progress in your thighs, you're really doing yourself a disservice by not getting your hamstrings right!

"Pile driver" Thighs
look at your physique with the mindset that you don't care as long as you don't see it in the mirror, and what you don't see is often more important. Doing a lot of leg training often neglects the importance of the hamstrings, which increases the risk of muscle imbalance and injury.
Similarly, the hamstrings are not given much attention compared to the quadriceps and can easily be skipped over during training. The hamstrings, which consist of three muscles - biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus - are important and do much more than elevate the posterior chain form.

reverse leg curl
firstly, the hamstrings help to stabilize the knee joint, which is important for all juniors, especially those prone to injury due to weak hamstrings. The hamstrings are also one of the most frequently injured muscle groups, accounting for approximately 25% of all sports injuries.
In addition, research has found that weak hamstrings may contribute to the high incidence of hamstring tendon strains or acl injuries compared to the quadriceps. We need to focus on hamstring strength and muscle development.

posterior chain muscles
it's time to get moving!
Because weak hamstrings can lead to injury and also cause overall awkwardness in the look and feel, these are issues that need to be taken seriously. If you want to find ways to train the hamstrings, then start with at least one or two of the following 4 areas, which will both help the overall training effect and stabilize the knee joint better.
1. Reschedule the hamstrings
obviously, rearranging your training program can be a starting point, and doing so may involve a substantial spread and reorganization of what you train. Think about it, you could have one day dedicated to legs and the workout includes drills such as deep squats, arrow squats, leg raises, split leg squats, leg flexors and leg curls.

barbell squats
often, when you are tired enough to the extent that you can barely walk, the only thought is to want to end your training and get out of the gym, so the hamstring workout that filled you with enthusiasm doesn't do it either. This is hardly a state conducive to training the leg muscles.
Adjusting the order of your training in the short term can significantly affect hamstring strength gains by doing hamstring training first and then quadriceps when you have the most energy. While training quads will certainly make you stronger, your body will become weaker towards the end of the workout. This is inevitable and is one reason to adjust the order in the short term.

machine leg curls
another approach is to work the hamstrings on the first day of a good rest. Before training a weak body part, schedule a rest day during which you eat and sleep well and recharge your energy for a better and challenging workout. A rest day also helps to strengthen the will to do so; if you stay in the gym for too long, your body will also become increasingly tired and your motivation will wane.
Consider also the strategy commonly used by athletes: Separate hamstring training from quadriceps training. By doing each on separate days, you can put more effort into each workout without having to train stamina-draining muscles in one session without intervals.

machine leg curls
make sure that you train no less than 48 hours apart, as hamstring training also involves doing exercises like squats and leg raises, which have some intersection with the exercises done for thigh exercises, so do not do the same movements two days in a row. Interspersing upper body work between the two leg training days will allow for better recovery.
2. Hamstrings first
we usually recommend starting the whole workout with a compound movement, but many lower body compound movements don't do much to increase hamstring girth and strength. Also most lower body compound movements still focus on the quads, so start your training with hard pulls or other hamstring-targeting movements.

machine reverse leg curl
a 2009 study found that the Russian reverse leg curl (or 'floor reverse leg curl' or 'machine reverse leg curl') was the best hamstring exercise in terms of electromyography, although this study did not include the hard pull. Based on this research, the Russian reverse leg curl is the best option for hamstrings if you don't do the hard pull.
This exercise is relatively more difficult to master (because it is knee flexion, not hip flexion) and it is difficult to add weight, so use it as the first or last hamstring exercise, depending on how many you can do. The range of reps for this movement can be kept to 8-12, with the best results when the last one is done right at the end of exhaustion.

self-weight reverse leg curl
3. Work the hamstrings as well as the glutes
the use of the leg curl does not limit the involvement of the knee joint. As the hamstrings are connected to the gluteus maximus, the hip flexion also effectively acts on the upper part of the hamstrings as well as the gluteus maximus, option: The good morning bow, or the Romanian hard pull, which is practiced by more people.

straight legged hard pull vs Romanian hard pull
many of our partners confuse the Romanian hard pull with the straight leg hard pull, but there is actually a big difference. The hamstrings are involved to some extent in the straight legged hard pull, but basically it is more of a lower back training movement than a hamstring movement and the pattern of movement is different.
The Romanian hard pull, on the other hand, does not have an arched back, the barbell is close to the thighs and, depending on the flexibility of the body, does not need to be lowered too much from the thighs. By knowing these important differences, you will be able to choose the hard pull that will most effectively target the hamstrings when doing hip movements.

smith Romanian hard pull
4. Double the hamstring workout
a 5+ day split workout can effectively target weak areas of the body, and some areas can be trained twice in 5 days instead of once. If you want to strengthen the hamstrings in the short term, train the hamstrings more than once a week for 6-8 weeks.
Choose this method rather than simply repeating the same training programmed: The first workout can focus on knee dominant leg curls, while the second can focus on Romanian hard pulls at the hip joint.

machine leg curls
if performing two hamstring workouts, note that this may somewhat affect quadriceps training and fitness recovery, so take the trouble to think about how to divide the time and effort between the 2 workouts.
Make sure you have at least 48 hours between the 3 workouts or combine quads and hamstrings on the same day to increase the recovery time in between.

hard pulling
master these 4 training techniques to complete the lower body in a coordinated manner. Hamstrings are an extremely important muscle group that must be worked to the full extent of the thighs.