
You may or may not be familiar with powerlifting competitions, but you should be able to understand that it is a sport of strength. So what do you imagine powerlifting to be like? Should it look like the following hercules?

And today, we are talking about a lovely girl who might break all your imagination about hercules.

This lovely girl, named samantha eugenie, set a new hard pulling record of 216kg at 63kg in a training session not too long ago.

At only 17 years old, samantha eugenie has a huge amount of energy in her seemingly small frame, and very large weights are a breeze for her.

This lovely french powerlifter is getting more and more popular now. At the 2019 epf classic championships, eugenie finished first in the junior competition with a total weight of 435kg at 63kg.

She broke the junior hard pull and squat records with 190kg and 160kg respectively in the same competition. In addition, her total was also a world record in her weight class.

Eugenie regularly shares her training progress through social media and we have seen her progress, especially in her hard pulling performances.

In february this year she completed a 210kg hard lift personal best, followed by a 215kg later that same month.

In her most recent training session, she actually pulled 216kg, bearing in mind that she only weighs 63kg herself. That's 3.4 times her body weight.

Samantha eugenie is now preparing for the competition afterwards and if she continues to progress as she has done before, we could see her breaking records again and again.

She is not so different from most cute 17 year old girls who love to look good, have fun and enjoy being with their friends. The difference is that she has a sport that she loves and works hard for.

Her powerlifting training has allowed her to show a different kind of beauty as a 17 year old girl in her prime.

We hope she will keep up the good work and produce better results.