
Fitness need motivation? This is certainly, every thing actually need motivation, is the daily boring work is also need motivation, motivation of course because poor, no money, mortgage car loan, in short, all kinds of motivation constitutes every thing we do now.

I have to say, many fitness novices just started fitness motivation is mostly to lose weight, fitness weight loss is a very hot topic, but also the first choice of major gym advertising, after all, people love beauty, do a fat person can eat very happy, but i believe that no fat person can be very happy every day, right, after all, this society is now a face society, otherwise it would not have emerged so many men's and women's groups, fresh meat and what not, fitness to lose weight as the motivation of those people, there are a lot of people who can indeed slim down through fitness, but there are many people because of the lack of motivation, the decision to lose weight is not enough and give up halfway.

Fitness in addition to weight loss as a motivation, then there are some thin people, thin fitness are to gain muscle, so that they are stronger, although now muscle men are not very popular, but let their own body become stronger, will always make themselves or their girlfriends more security, although now is a society of the rule of law, violence and can not solve everything, but a thin body of boys in in real life will always be squeezed or bullied, i believe that this is the reason why many thin people successfully gain muscle.

But weight loss and muscle gain, even if how no fitness talent, more than three years, less than a year can practice the effect they want, but fitness or there are many people who can adhere to more than ten years, they are known as fitness veterans in the gym, their body has been great, physical fitness is also stronger than ordinary people on a large, then they have been insisting on fitness motivation and what is it?

Some people insist on fitness, is not want to let their hard work for so long muscle pay east, after all, if you give up fitness, although the muscle will not immediately disappear, but after a few years, may be back to the original figure, no one wants to return to the original figure, especially when you fitness results, really do not want to give up fitness.

Some people have been insisting on fitness, because they have been the fitness thing into life, the fitness as a habit, or a hobby, for them, fitness does not seem to stick to the word to describe, because the hobby, so like fitness, not fitness is not comfortable, they have changed their body and life because of fitness, and finally because of the fitness brought change, like fitness.