
Are you interested in high-intensity asanas that challenge you and make you sweat? Today we've put together a short sequence of asanas that will make your muscles quiver. Perfect for fat loss! Stay in each asana for a few minutes - or until you reach your limit



If you need to rest, simply go into baby pose: Kneel on the floor. Lean your torso forward over your legs. You can also spread your knees outward slightly. Put your forehead on the floor. Place your arms behind you.

1. Begin in mountain pose by breathing deeply and relaxing for a few minutes.


Focus on your breathing, distributing your weight evenly over the palms of your feet so that all joints are aligned


2. Warm up with five of your favorite bhajans.

3. Phantom chair pose


Stand up straight: Legs hip-width apart, shoulders relaxed, pelvis tilted forward. Inhale, bend your knees and straighten your arms at the same time. Keep your pelvis tilted forward and your back not tilted into a sunken back. Keep your shoulders relaxed and your arms as close to your ears as possible. You can bring your palms together if it does not cause tension in the shoulder area.

4. Warrior ii


If you stay in warrior ii longer, you will not only feel your upper arms, but also feel a strong inner straightening and focus. Do it on both sides.

5. Warrior iii


Warrior iii requires not only thigh and core muscles, but also focus and balance.

6. Downward facing dog


Stretch your legs, strengthen your arms and shoulders, and hold for 10 breaths in downward facing dog.

7. Plank pose


You can enter directly from downward dog. Challenge the muscles in the center of your body and work the whole body.

With your shoulders above your hands and your hands shoulder-width apart, form your body in a straight line from your head to your heels (don't sag your shoulders and hips). Press your hands firmly to the floor and pull your heels back.


Hold a few breaths, then use your entire body to lower yourself to the floor in a slow, controlled manner.

Tip: If you want to reduce the stress on your arms and increase the stress on your abs (or if you have wrist problems), you can also do a plank variation, the forearm plank. From the plank, place your forearms parallel to each other on the floor with your elbows directly under your shoulders. 8.


8. Side plank

From plank, you can go straight in, shifting your weight to your right hand, lowering your right knee and opening the left side of your body upward. You can either place your left hand on your hip or reach up to the sky. Balance here as much as possible.


If possible, lift your right knee off the ground and place your right foot directly under your left foot.


9. Boat pose

Focus your consciousness on your back and hips, control the balance of your body with your hips, and feel the strength of your lower back and abdomen building up. The back should be as straight as possible so that the spine is lifted upward, otherwise the tailbone will press downward and cause back pain.


10. Happy baby pose

If you feel the need to stretch and twist a little more, then try happy baby pose and crocodile pose (or other twists)!


11. Stretched corpse pose

Finally relax and benefit from your yoga practice with a final relaxation in stretcher pose!