
the modern world is becoming more and more dependent on technology and equipment, but if you keep relying on alternative tools, your muscles will "Degenerate", which is a bit of a stretch. It is undeniable that as the pace of life becomes more and more intense, we expect less and less physical fitness, and this is the state of society. We all know that we need to train our muscles in order to get in the best physical shape possible. But what is the best way to do this? Is there a best way to build muscle?

there are so many different ways to exercise that sometimes you may wonder if you are really training as effectively as possible. To gain a better understanding of strength training, we share 5 fitness trainers' opinions on the best moves to build muscle.
There is no real best move, these 5 suggestions give you the basis on which you can start a new strength training routine or add new moves to your workout.

the first fitness instructor who pushed the best move for building muscle: The back of the neck squat
he believed that the best way to build muscle was the barbell behind-the-neck squat for the following main reasons.
1. In the squat, the entire leg musculature is activated, especially the gluteus maximus and the hips.
2. Squatting with a relatively high weight behind the neck helps to increase muscle building hormones
3. The whole body is involved in the deep squat, so even the back muscles, shoulders etc. Are stimulated

the main disadvantage of the behind-the-neck squat is that it can be a dangerous movement, especially if you don't have proper mobility in your hips, calves, etc. And there is also a lot of stress on the lower back, which is why some strength coaches do not recommend the behind-the-neck squat. In addition, it can take a long time to recover due to the intense neuromuscular demands. He does not see the need to do very low reps with the behind-the-neck squat, which can still work many muscles with relatively high reps, but still at a high weight.

in conclusion, if you are very athletic, don't do big weight training with too low reps, he believes that the behind-the-neck squat is a deadly muscular movement. Due to the behind-the-neck squat, people's legs develop so fast and so big that there is a visible stretch in the legs/hips! Moves such as the hexagonal barbell, or the sumo hard pull, are also a great way to build muscle, but the range of motion and stimulation of the legs is not the same.

the second trainer thinks the best way to build muscle: The deep squat
deep squats. We all know that challenging the largest muscle groups in your body at high intensity boosts testosterone production and helps with muscle growth and development. Challenge your gluteus maximus, hamstrings, quadriceps, back and core muscles with barbell or dumbbell squats. Keep the reps low (6-8) and the weights high to achieve a training effect.

the third best way to build muscle according to fitness trainers: The hard pull
some people say that the best moves to build muscle are the ones you haven't done before. This is false. The best move is the hard pull.
When you have to do something that involves the hips, the hard pull has its advantages. A proper dead jerk will target every muscle in your body. More specifically, it trains muscles that are usually neglected, such as your gluteus maximus, hamstrings and upper back muscles.
The biggest benefit of the hard jerk is that it increases testosterone by recruiting a large number of muscle fibres. This will also increase the efficiency of each of your workouts. In the end, if your goal is to build as many muscles as possible, hard pulling is the effect you want.

the fourth method that fitness instructors believe is the best way to build muscle: The deep squat
it's still the deep squat. Although he prefers hard pulls, he believes that high reps of squats are better for the leg muscles, while high weight squats are better for the whole body. Carrying heavy weights is really daunting, but it's still important to squat as much as possible and then get up as a way to get your whole body muscles to develop.
Having said that, most people don't squat low enough and there are many people who are not well suited to deep squatting because their muscles are too tight, or their hips are unbalanced on both sides, etc. In this case, a single-legged movement like the split-legged deep squat would be better.

the fifth fitness trainer, on the other hand, thinks the best way to build muscle: The kettlebell swing
his favourite muscular move is the kettlebell swing. The kettlebell swing works almost every muscle in the body and also enhances overall balance and speed. It can be exhausting!
But the most important reason he considers the kettlebell swing a great muscle building move is that by strengthening and improving the performance of the entire posterior chain of the body (hamstrings, glutes, lower back, etc.) they will improve performance in hard pulls and deep squats.

the kettlebell swing is in theory very simple.
Grasp the kettlebell (or the end of a dumbbell) with both hands.
Keeping your arms straight, swing the kettlebell forward and let it fall between your legs before pushing forward. Keep your hips and glutes engaged in the movement.
At the top of the movement, the kettlebell should be at or slightly above eye level. Let it fall between your legs and repeat. Slowly increase the weight and reps; you will be surprised at how much pain 3 sets of 15 reps can cause at any weight.

although different trainers have different opinions, they all agree that compound movements involving multiple joints are the preferred movements, deep squats and hard pulls are movements that engage more muscles and are recommended to be arranged more often into a fitness program, but for beginners it is more difficult, for one thing, the movements are difficult to master, and for another, these compound movements bring more stress and often give beginners a sense of pressure, it is best to find a fitness it is best to find a workout partner to supervise each other and help each other to progress faster!