
What is the reason that brought you into the door of yoga? I believe there are many people who are attracted to yoga after seeing various fancy asanas and difficult movements, so difficult asanas are the pursuit of many people all the time, just like playing a game to upgrade, every time a new asana is unlocked, it is like a victory.

Today to find the 14 netflix card essential asana, red red each asana are marked with practice requirements, do not "Force into" The asana oh, very honestly count, you can unlock a few?

1. Dance king pose

the asana that can become "King" Must be considered a difficult asana.

high flexibility of shoulder joints and chest cavity is required.

stability of core ability and balance requirement.

2. Bow pose

shoulder and ankle joints should be flexible enough.

the flexibility of the backbend of the thoracic spine is required.

the leg muscles should be strong enough.

3. Twisting bow pose

requires thoracic and clavicular spreading.

the need for core stabilization strength.

need sufficient strength of the hip and leg.

4. Crane zen pose

requires sufficient strength of the core muscles.

need strength of back and arms.

need sufficient strength of hip flexor muscles.

5. Divine monkey pose

this is also a goddess asana, which shoots out the long legs of one meter eight.

requires sufficient flexibility of the hip joints and good flexibility of the leg muscles.

6. King pigeon pose

is another necessary and super beautiful asana for taking pictures.

requires sufficient flexibility of the shoulder and hip joints.

it also requires the ability of core muscles to stabilize.

7. Elbow handstand

inversions are always the original dream of yogis.

need stable and strong core muscles.

need to strengthen the legs, shoulders and arm muscles strength.

8. Handstand

need to strengthen the stability of rotator cuff muscles.

strengthening of arm strength and core strength.

need to have sufficient leg strength.

9. Single leg elbow wheel pose

need stability and flexibility of arms and shoulders.

need to strengthen the flexibility of the thoracic spine.

need to strengthen the flexibility of the hip joint.

10. Side plank pose

this is an asana where you can only see long arms and legs, which is necessary for taking pictures.

need to strengthen the core muscles.

it also needs to strengthen the leg muscles and stretch toughness.

11. Scorpion pose

this is a fusion of backbend + handstand.

core strength is necessary, while the strength of the arm and shoulder back muscles also needs to be strengthened.

12. Single leg crow pose

very strong arm support is required.

the ability to balance and stabilize the core.

13. Flying pigeon pose

strength requirements are similar to "One legged crow pose", requiring core, arm, shoulder and back strength.

the ability to strengthen hip abduction is also required.

14. Octagonal twist


this is an asana that looks "Screwy" To the point of "Disdain", but is actually envied to the point of soreness.

it requires high requirements for legs, shoulders and back, arms and core strength, as well as the ability to balance the whole body steadily.

Practicing yoga, you can go after difficult asanas, but you need to take one step at a time, do well in every basic asana, keep repeating and repeating, and then the difficult asanas will come to fruition.


Keep a normal heart, practice yoga - too much is not enough!