
when it comes to the barbell bench press, i'm sure you're no stranger to it, and in many of our friends' minds, we should think that the barbell bench press is a simple and straightforward training movement, and that it's one of the best pectoral training movements, although the barbell bench press looks like a very simple movement, but if we want to do this movement well and do it properly, we need to use a lot of technical details. The barbell bench press is a very simple movement, but there are many technical details that we need to use if we want to get it right and do it properly.

for many of our novice friends, there may be a problem when doing the barbell bench press, that is, doing the bench press is, can not find their own pectoral muscle power feeling.
In my opinion, one of the most important reasons why many of us can't find the power of our chest muscles when we do the bench press is that we may have made these 2 mistakes.
If we can avoid these 2 mistakes when we do the barbell bench press, then we will be able to help us to a great extent to have a better feeling of power in our chest muscles and to avoid injuries during the movement.

one, choosing too much weight for training
this is a mistake that many of our friends make, and it can be a very basic one. There are many people who choose weights that are difficult to choose for themselves during the movements.
This is because these people may have the idea that the more weight they choose, the more strength they will show and the more others will envy them.
This can lead to the phenomenon that when you bench press, you can only do half the movement and not the whole movement, but of course, if you have a partner to protect you, then you can have one person bench press and two people exhausted.

i would say that if we know anything about fitness training, or have sufficient experience of it, then we would consider this practice to be a rather silly one.
In my opinion, this is a training method that does not give us good results and does not give us any physical benefits.
If we use too much weight on the barbell bench press, it will not only make it difficult for us to find our pecs, but also increase the stress on our shoulders and elbows, thus increasing our chances of injury.

second, the elbow is too open
if we observe carefully, we should find a phenomenon that many fitness gurus will see when they are doing the action, their elbows will hit very open, that is, they will not let the big arm parallel to the shoulder.
For many of us, if we want to find a better feeling for our pectoral muscles during the bench press, it is best to keep the angle between the arms and the torso at around 70 degrees, but if it reaches 90 degrees, then it is not good.