
Some girls in order to become good-looking, they try to lose weight every day, at first the weight loss effect is very obvious, exercise and control the diet for less than a month, you find that the weight has become lighter. However, at the later time, the weight loss effect is not obvious, which may have reached the bottleneck of weight loss. In this regard, some people ask how to break the weight loss bottleneck? I think there are a lot of life have encountered this problem, do not understand, to see.

How to break the weight loss bottleneck


1, adjust the way to exercise


A lot of weight loss, choose exercise to lose weight, which is a good way to lose weight, can promote fat burning, while you can tighten the muscle, for weight loss and shaping very effective. When choosing a sport, adhere to exercise after a month or two, women find that the weight does not drop, this time it means that the body has adapted to the intensity of the exercise. In order to enhance the effect of weight loss, you need to adjust the way of exercise.


For example, before is the choice of long-distance running to lose weight, then now can be replaced by sprinting, for example, before just jumping rope every day to lose weight, then now can be with sit-ups or push-ups together to lose weight. And before just jogging, then now you can run after a walk. After losing weight for a period of time, timely adjustment of exercise, can improve the body fat conversion rate, better burn body fat.


2, choose a diverse diet


At the beginning of weight loss, many women are used to dieting to lose weight. Every day consciously restrain the amount of food eaten, every day to eat a soup, it is easy to eat tired. And it will also lead to insufficient nutrition intake, when the body does not have sufficient nutrients nourishment, it is easy to affect the function of play, resulting in lower metabolism, resulting in reduced weight loss effect.


Therefore, when after a long period of dieting to lose weight, it is found that the weight loss effect is no longer obvious, it is necessary to adjust the diet. You should adhere to a varied diet, not to eat every day of the soup and water. It is important to eat in a reasonable way, with meat and vegetables at every meal, to provide the body with enough protein and fat to keep the function running, improve the digestive capacity of the gut and accelerate fat burning. Slowly the weight will begin to fall again, slowly reaching the ideal weight of women.

3, insist on losing weight


Many women adhere to a period of time to lose weight, but found that the effect of weight loss is not obvious, it immediately gave up and re-adopted a new weight loss method. But weight loss is not a day or two to play the effect, you need to adhere to weight loss in order to make the body thin. So, when it comes to weight loss, you can't give up on yourself, give yourself confidence, see that the weight is not coming down, when you are depressed, you should go out for a walk to get your mood back.


The mood is good, in order to have the motivation to continue to lose weight, more encouragement in your head every day to lose weight, self-referential to tell yourself that today and lose a little bit, and then work hard to try to lose more quickly. Tell yourself, thin body good, you can wear a variety of good-looking dresses, no longer because you can not wear the dresses you like and distressed. The body is good, the opposite sex will also become better, so that you start to get off. Think more about the benefits of being thin every day to help boost the motivation to lose weight.


What are the tips for daily weight loss


1, drink more water


People who want to become thin must drink more water every day, because drinking water can promote the body's metabolism, accelerate the discharge of waste and toxins, for weight loss is helpful.


2, get a full night's sleep


Every day to ensure that you have enough sleep, because people enter deep sleep, can secrete leptin to help fat burning. The more leptin secretion, the better the weight loss effect. Therefore, every day to insist on early to bed, never stay up late.