
there is such a growth experience in the fitness circle: Newbies train their chests old hands train their backs big gods train their legs. It is evident that paying attention to the back is an important stage of training growth.
When we talk about back exercises, you think of many movements. There are different back movements that train different parts of the back and can add thickness, width and even detail. Exactly what you choose depends on the exercise goal you are employing.
Why do you need to train your back?
The back is the foundation of the entire upper body strength. A strong back means you have great upper body strength. The back is the other side of your body's centre of gravity, which means that all of your body's strength originates from your back.
In addition to strength, the back protects your spine and we have seen many movies to know what happens to a damaged spine.

a strong back has many benefits - aesthetic benefits
most people who build muscle work on muscles that can be seen in the mirror, muscles that flex in front of the mirror to show how strong the body is. This means that most of the training is on the biceps, chest, anterior shoulder fascia, quads and abs and sometimes the back is neglected.
People need to understand that you need to train your back muscles in order to have a strong body. For the guys reading this, a survey shows that after noticing a guy's height first, girls will then notice his back.

structural importance
neglecting your back muscles can have some serious consequences. A weak back means that you lack muscle tissue, which can lead to severe pain in the neck and shoulders. Training your back can improve your posture and a good body posture may make you look 5 kg thinner. Creating balance in the body with the back muscles ensures symmetry, which is why when training the front of the body, the back also needs to be trained, this is to prevent injuries during front training.
A simple example of this is when working the abdominal muscles, constantly doing sit-ups, while working the abdominal muscles also stretches the lower back, putting the back at risk of injury. To prevent this and other similar injuries, you need to work your back muscles.

6 moves for your next back workout
there are many back movements that can be done, but all of them target different parts of the back and have different training effects. The following six movements are designed to train the thickness and width of the back and gain better body posture and back strength.
1. Wide-grip pull-ups
the wide grip pull-up emphasises the upper side of the back and it is a great movement. A tight grip provides a longer range of motion, but a wide grip provides a better angle of movement due to the starting position of the joint.

how to do it
start by extending the arms above the shoulders contracting the shoulder blades, pulling down on the shoulder blades pulling the body up to the chin over the bar back to the starting position
2. Narrow latissimus dorsi pull-down
the pull down is an alternative to the pull up and the tight grip pull down activates the side of the back. A tight grip means a greater range of muscle tension and movement, which promotes muscle growth.

how to do it
attach the pull-down apparatus to a wide spaced bar and sit on the apparatus. With a narrow grip on the bar and palms facing your body pull the bar down to the chin position and contract at the top. Slowly return to the starting position, this is a complete movement
3. Prone barbell hard pull
studies have shown that this movement works the muscles of the entire back, making it a good back exercise to complement the movement. The key is that you need to have perfect form to complete the movement to be effective. If you are just starting out with this movement, find an observer so that your movement can be corrected.

how to do it
hold the barbell in your hands, palms facing down, knees slightly bent torso forward, back straight, pull your body back almost parallel to the floor until you feel the squeeze on your back, hold the position at the squeeze and slowly lower to the starting position to complete one repetition
4. Hard pull with barbell
the hard pull is not just a back exercise, but a workout for the entire back of the body, from the calves to the muscles between the traps. It is important to understand the importance of the movement position in this movement, but once you have mastered it, you can move towards larger weights to promote muscle growth.

how to do it
stand apart in front of the barbell hip width hip flexed, grip the barbell firmly, knees slightly bent, back straight start lifting the barbell making sure they are close to the legs. Avoid leaning back as you stand upright lower the weights back to the floor to complete a movement.
5. Standing t-bar row
this is a great movement to be able to lift more weight than the chest brace version. A wider grip will emphasise the side of the back, while a neutral grip will train the mid-back. Be sure to stretch and contract your muscles with each movement to get the best out of your workout.

how to do it
place a barbell sleeve outside the barbell piece to prevent the piece from moving and add the appropriate weight. Place the d-handle on the inside of the barbell clamp and hold it firmly while keeping your knees slightly bent and your back straight. Straighten your arms and pull them upwards to your abdomen while contracting your shoulder blades. Be sure to focus on squeezing the muscles and lowering the barbell back into position in one movement.
6. Wide handed seated row
this movement shifts the stress from the mid-back (which is what happens during a normal row) to the side of the back, making it a nice training variation. This makes it a great training addition to the movement.

how to do it
sit in front of a lowered pulley and hold the bar at shoulder width. With the support of your legs, push back against your torso so that your arms are fully extended. Pull the bar up to the abdomen and contract the squeeze muscles at the top. Return to the starting position to complete a movement.
Training flow
the back needs as much training as the abdominals, chest or arms, so don't neglect your back because if you want to show off your strength, the back is where you need to be.

back training
training movements reps sets
wide grip pull-ups 3-12 3
narrow back pull-down 3-12 3
dips barbell hard pull 3-12 3
hard barbell pull 3-12 3
standing t-bar row 3-12 3
wide grip seated rope row 3-12 3

this training programme is certainly not a one-off nor a phase. The muscles adapt easily to body rhythms and you can constantly give your back new stimuli by changing the sequence of movements, rest periods etc.