
the pectoral muscles are the part of the gym that most enthusiasts like to train, and the barbell bench press is also one of their favorite movements. When doing the bench press, i don't feel the chest force, but the triceps and anterior shoulder bundle feel more intense?

The barbell bench press is mainly a horizontal movement of our shoulder joints in the horizontal plane to do the horizontal shoulder inversion, and also the elbow joints are involved in doing the elbow extension movement. So the barbell bench press itself will stimulate our pectoralis major, triceps and anterior deltoid.

because the anterior deltoid and the pectoralis major have a common role, all three muscles work together to complete the bench press, but if you have a weak target muscle, it will affect your bench press results.
Some of you will ask, when doing a heavy weight bench press the pectoralis major muscle just feels very little force, it's more the triceps and deltoids that feel a lot of force?

the weight is too heavy
this is actually quite simple. Essentially we are bench pressing to get more pectoralis, to get bigger and thicker. But you use more weight than your pecs can handle, yet the pecs are not strong enough to use all kinds of synergistic muscles to help engage the force to push up the barbell. Then your triceps, and anterior deltoids will definitely fire better, and you will feel more.
So, in this case, it is advisable to reduce the weight of the bench press. Because your target muscle is the pectoralis major and not the triceps and anterior deltoid, it is better to choose a training weight that is very relatively suitable for you and gradually increase the weight in a gradual manner.

the training plan is to train whichever muscle you want to train, to get more of that muscle to fire as the active muscle, rather than being forced to become a synergist to engage other muscles, creating a compensatory influence on the real target muscle to fire.
Another possibility is that when you do a heavy weight bench press, your angle of movement may be distorted. This will also affect the engagement of your pectoralis major and the anterior triceps will tend to compensate, which can lead to injury if not controlled properly.

pre-fatigue training methods
in general, the choice of weight is the same, so choose a relatively suitable bench press weight according to your actual situation. This is because we practice strength training more for the purpose of stimulating the destruction of muscle fibres than simply to push up more weight.
If you are aiming for powerlifting, then there may be specific training; if your goal is to get more muscular, more toned; to build muscle, then you still need to choose some bodybuilding style workouts.
Don't care about the weights, focus on building your muscles. For a better workout of the pectoralis major, it's advisable to do a few pre-fatigue sets before the bench press, which means try to do some chest isolation exercises before the bench press, so you can get a better early workout for the pectoralis major!

pre-fatigue training movements
what movements should i do before the bench press? What should i do?
Pectoral training makes you aware that pre-fatigue is very important. This approach applies to the pecs as many enthusiasts find that their anterior deltoids and triceps run out of strength before the pecs are exhausted. Using isolation exercises to pre-fatigue the pectoral muscles can solve this problem

butterfly machine chest clenching method one
you may rarely start your chest training day with a butterfly machine chest clip. It may be that you just want to consolidate your bench press levels, or you don't want to weaken it. Once you have tried the butterfly press as the first exercise, you will be amazed at how much stronger your pecs can become.
Complete 3 sets of progressively heavier butterfly clips, then two sets of "21s" Clips: 7 full clips, then 7 clips from pec extension to midpoint, then 7 clips from midpoint to fully contracted position.

butterfly machine chest clamps method 2
there is a slight difference here, the traditional chest clamps are done with the elbows at 90 degrees, whereas here, the arms are kept extended. You may look a little funny at first, but as people start to see the muscles developing in your mid-chest they will want to do the same.
As you perform the movement, rotate your palms upwards during the centripetal phase of the movement, this will ensure that the mid pectoral muscles get the best contraction possible.
During the centrifugal phase of the movement, rotate the palms back to a neutral position so that the elbows are slightly open outwards. This will ensure that the muscles are fully stretched between movements.

these two types of butterfly machine chest clamps are good methods, or choose dumbbell flyes before bench pressing these chest isolation movements, are a way to avoid the lack of chest exercise when bench pressing, the last thing to say is bench pressing, be sure to pay attention to safety, never use too heavy weights to do the bench press!