
there are many trainers nowadays who think that fitness is easy and that you don't need theoretical knowledge to get in good shape. If you have this idea, then hurry up and correct it. Exercisers who do not have certain training theories in fitness, they suffer a lot of losses and have very poor exercise results.
Don't think that fitness is an easy thing to do. In the process of exercise, especially for strength trainers, if you don't have a basic knowledge of training theory, the risk of injury is very high and it is very difficult to find the right feeling for your workout.
Do trainers need to be well versed before they start training? No, we can learn as we go along, and we can learn slowly as we go along, so that we can improve very quickly and apply our training theory in time.
The above is a little bit of advice for you so that you can be more efficient in the fitness process. Here is another summary of 4 points of mistakes that are easy to make in fitness, these are the ones we need to stay away from so that we can make the training more efficient!

the first mistake, easy distraction during workout
i have found in the gym that some trainers are very easily distracted in the process of training, something happens next to him and he can't concentrate, walking past a girl to have a look, this has a great impact on the training.
In the process of fitness, the degree of concentration has a great impact on the training effect, especially in strength training, if the concentration is not enough, then the muscle stimulation will be difficult to find, the training feeling will be very poor, and ultimately lead to the training effect will be very bad.
So it is advisable, during your workout, to stay focused, stay away from your phone and everything else that is not relevant, focus on your training and you will be able to reap the best training sensation.

second mistake, training with too much weight
there is an old saying that you should do as much as you can, don't try to be a hero. It is the same in fitness, you should use as much weight as you can handle, do not use too much weight for your exercises, so that you can ensure the quality of your training, so that the risk of training is not too great.

the third mistake, exercise self-awareness is not enough
fitness is a thing that requires self-awareness, when you feel that fitness is pushing yourself, you are very difficult to train a good body, because you do not feel the fun in the exercise, feel only pain, so it is easy to produce the idea of giving up.
So we want to have a good self-awareness in the training process, then you can let yourself first find out where the fun point of exercise, so that your self-awareness will naturally be improved.

mistake number four, not having a training goal
without a goal in fitness is like not having a goal in your life, you will practice very confused and don't know what you are working out for, which is very difficult to stick to. So everyone in the process of exercise, find a realistic training goal, let yourself train hard towards this goal, so you will have more motivation to train.