
Are your pecs not attractive enough? That is you ignore the upper pectoral muscle training, today will introduce you to a group of training methods on the upper pectoral muscle, in the pectoral muscle shaping upper pectoral muscle parts play a very key role, why do you say that the upper pectoral muscle plays a key role, whether your pectoral muscle seems very wide, whether you have a wide million people's chest, mainly depends on the breadth of the upper pectoral muscle, if the pectoralis major and lower pectoral muscle is in control of the overall thickness of the pectoral muscle, then the upper pectoral muscle is in control of the pectoral muscle. If the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor control the overall thickness of the pectoral muscles, then the upper pectoral muscles control the breadth of the pectoral muscles, the upper pectoral muscles are not well trained, your pectoral muscles look very "Small" And do not have the charm of a man. Today's workout will focus on strengthening the upper pectoral area.

The first thing i want to tell you is that the upper pectoral muscle strengthening is mainly in the pectoral muscle shaping to start training, when you first start pectoral muscle training is mainly to the overall dimension of the pectoral muscle to start training, first the pectoral muscle training, so general training is mainly to carry out the pectoral muscle thickness training, when the pectoral muscle training to a certain extent and then carry out the upper pectoral muscle, lower pectoral muscle, pectoral muscle mid-seam this time, the training is more towards the training of shaping, of course, shaping training is slightly more difficult than muscle building training, but in order to have a good-looking perfect body, we also have to train, why shaping training is more difficult than muscle building, first of all, when muscle building we focus on strength training, the main purpose is to stimulate muscle growth, so in training basically will not pay attention to the marginal parts of the the main purpose of muscle building is to stimulate muscle growth, so we don't pay much attention to the marginal areas during training (even if you want to pay attention, the weight you use to build muscle is too much for you to handle), but during the sculpting period we have to focus on a lot of things, from the overall training strategy and training techniques, training angles, etc. Therefore, sculpting is a very complex process, there is overall sculpting in sculpting training, there is individual sculpting, these are the trainers must be based on their current these are combinations of training programmes that the trainer must carry out according to their current muscular condition.

For example, if you have a weak muscle or a deviation in the size of your left and right muscles, these situations require specific targeted training. The advantage of this type of training is that it focuses on a single area and can quickly improve certain weak and poorly trained areas. Today's exercises are designed to strengthen the upper pectoral muscles from a variety of angles and to improve the upper pectoral muscles, with 4 sets of 4 exercises, 60-90 seconds rest between sets and 90-120 seconds rest between exercises.

The first is the dumbbell upward incline push-up, i believe this action is not unfamiliar to everyone often do, this action is a very perfect pectoral muscle gain, shaping action, here to mention two points, do this action when you want to do the action to do, especially when shaping, only the action to complete the whole effect will be the best, in order to strengthen to the upper pectoral muscle edge parts, found a lot of people do this action when the action just fell to half this is not effective at all, you must do the whole movement. Do 12 reps per set.

The main training method to strengthen the upper pectoral muscles is the upper incline bench press training, of course, in the shaping training for the action amplitude requirements are higher, in the muscle building period for the action amplitude may not be so high, but in the shaping training each action amplitude must be in place, otherwise it is difficult to shape to the target parts, for example, the upper pectoral muscles of the left and right edge parts of the training, it is necessary to move for example, the left and right edges of the upper pecs need to be lowered to the lowest level in order to strengthen them, so do this with a wide grip on the barbell and lower the movement to the lowest level before starting the upward push. Do 10 reps per set.

Movement 3, rope up incline bird, this movement is a perfect compound training movement, not only can strengthen to the edge of the upper pectoral muscles, but also for the deltoid muscle also has a great strengthening effect, is a very perfect pectoral muscle mid-seam strengthening movement, in training also pay attention to the amplitude of the movement, drop to the lowest and then start to pull up, if you want to effectively strengthen to the pectoral muscle mid-seam area, pull up to both hands touching each other. Do 12 reps per set.

Movement 4, barbell push-up, this is different from the previous movements, this movement uses one end of the barbell to do the push-up, this movement is very important to strengthen the middle part of the upper pectoral muscles, the previous three movements are for strengthening the edge of the upper pectoral muscles, this movement is mainly for strengthening the middle part of the upper pectoral muscles, for the middle suture area also has a good strengthening effect. Do 12 reps per set.