
For guys, strong pectoral muscles can definitely be considered as a proud capital. Not only do they make the body look stronger, but they can also hold up clothes and are undoubtedly a great example of how to dress in style. Whether you are training with equipment or unarmed, there are many movement techniques, have you noticed them?

Before you exercise, understand the pectoral muscles, which are spread in a fan shape in the upper front of the chest. The pectoral muscles can be divided into two main parts, the supraspinatus and the intrinsic pectoral muscles. The upper thoracic muscles are mainly the pectoralis major, pectoralis minor and serratus anterior. Because the pectoralis major is in the main position, the pectoralis major is what we usually call the exercise of the pectoralis muscle. The role of the pectoralis muscle should not be overlooked, as it can move the bones and joints, assist in upper limb movement and also assist in breathing.


Thick, shapely pectoral muscles not only make a visual impact, but also have a significant impact on the weight-bearing capacity of the upper limbs. When our chest muscle groups are sufficiently developed, it is significantly easier to lift heavy objects and carry things. This is because when working with both arms, the chest muscles combine with the shoulder and back muscles to exert force together, spreading out the gravity and making it feel less strenuous.

How can i thicken my pectoral muscles and get a smoother muscle line in front of my chest? These are some points you must know.

One, the warm-up exercise before exercise can not be missing

The pectoral muscle exercise is strong and often requires upper body weight, if you train blindly, it is likely to cause muscle and joint damage due to excessive force. Choose the regular push-ups as a warm-up action can be, repeat the action, contraction and stretching will open the chest muscles to avoid muscle strain during exercise. The push-ups in the preparatory movements can be done until exhaustion.

Second, the choice of action

There are two types of pectoral muscle exercise: Apparatus training and unarmed training.

(i) equipment training

Usually carried out in a professional gym, with the help of various tools, mainly through the arms to exercise, because the machinery gives greater strength, training effect is better, more significant results. The following are a few of the larger actions, as well as the action process should pay attention to the problem.

1, bench press

The bench press as the backbone of the pectoral muscle exercise, the action must be large, do "Halfway" Not only no effect, but also very easy to be injured. The action process to slow down the speed, slowly lift, slowly put down, so that the muscle stretch to the maximum degree, and then narrowed to the shortest, so the best results.

2、downward press dumbbell flying bird

Before the movement, adjust the angle of the bench to an angle of 30-45 degrees with the ground, such an angle can make the pectoralis major muscle get the maximum movement. During the movement, keep your arms upright but not locked, and stretch outwards to the maximum extent.

3、rope pinch chest

Hold the rope with the wrists slightly to the inside to avoid straining the wrist joints. The movement also places a strong demand on the shoulder joint, which requires the movement to be slowed down and contraction and stretching in place.

(ii) freehand training

Unassisted training relies heavily on fancy push-ups. Push-up training can be achieved at home, which is convenient for office workers and friends who are busy and do not have time to go to the gym. But after all, the intensity of push-ups is not as strong as the equipment, the results will be much slower, but as long as you persist there are certainly gains. This requires that we try to rest as much as possible after each set of movements, and keep the rest time between movements as short as possible. Take a look at some of the fancy push-ups that will work in our favour.

1. Wide push-ups

By widening the distance between the hands touching the ground, the impulse of the body downwards is greater and the chest muscles are stretched to a greater extent. There are wide push-ups, and naturally there are narrow push-ups, which are also movements that can be tried.

2、kneeling push-ups

Maintain a kneeling position on the yoga mat, cross your calves and lift them upwards to do push-ups. Pay attention to the movement process to keep your back straight and the downward pressure should be large.

3、upper incline push-ups

Choose a suitable height bench to support the body, hands in the right position to maintain body balance, but also must be able to make the chest muscles fully force. The legs should be straight and not bent during the exercise.

Three, exercise frequency

Although it is said that chest exercise is a high-intensity fitness program, but the intensity should be strengthened in the process of each training, we can increase the number of times each action and increase the length of time. After high-intensity training, to give the muscle sufficient recovery time, so the frequency of exercise should not be too frequent, 2-3 times a week exercise can be.

Smooth lines and wide, powerful pecs always give a sense of security, so guys with pecs always cause girls to scream. Do you want to build up perfect pectoral muscles too? Pay attention to the above points and pair them with professional moves, and your body shape will definitely change dramatically.