
Obesity is now a problem for many young people and even middle-aged people. Fat always grows without us realising it. Many people are always at their wits' end when faced with their rounded figures. The truth is indeed that it is easy to grow fat, but difficult when trying to lose weight and burn it off.

There are actually two types of fat one is stored under the skin and the other is stored in the internal organs. I am sure that many of you have heard of cases where the high level of visceral fat has led to lesions. However, they do not know much about visceral fat, so this article will explain a few things about visceral fat.

By reading the following you will learn the following points.

1. What is visceral fat and subcutaneous fat?

2. What are the main reasons for the formation of visceral fat?

3. What are the negative effects of visceral fat?

4. How can visceral fat be eliminated?

First: What is visceral fat and subcutaneous fat?

1. Visceral fat

Visceral fat is mainly stored around the internal organs. Visceral fat is not harmless to the body, in fact it has a positive effect on the health of the body that should not be underestimated. In practice, visceral fat helps us to resist the impact of external stimuli on our internal organs, and at the same time, it helps us to maintain the stability of our internal organs.

2. Subcutaneous fat

The main storage location for subcutaneous fat is below the dermis of our skin and above the fascia. We are all familiar with subcutaneous fat and the main thing we need to do to lose weight and achieve the body shape we want through fitness is to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat and lower body fat. There are also positive aspects of subcutaneous fat for our health. The main purpose of subcutaneous fat is to resist shock and maintain body temperature. Animals that live in cold places, such as penguins, have a high level of subcutaneous fat under their skin to support their temperature.

Secondly: What are the main causes of visceral fat formation?

1. Too much calorie intake

Visceral fat also belongs to the category of fat, and a big factor in the production of fat is the surplus of calories. There is no regular diet in life and you like junk food, fried food, food with high sugar content and so on. Some people don't like to eat breakfast in the morning, but like to order a large snack in the evening. They always like to eat meat and avoid fruits and vegetables. These bad life like, always very simple will cause the fat content of the spike.

2、less exercise

Low exercise is also the main reason for the increase in visceral fat content. Now that life is gradually changing, more and more of our friends tend to work with less exercise. The development of transport has also led to a steep decline in the amount of exercise. Such a lifestyle also provides good conditions for the accumulation of visceral fat.

3. Visceral fat is not easily noticeable

Visceral fat does not exist in the same form as subcutaneous fat, which is directly in front of our eyes. It is not easy for us to figure out how much visceral fat we have, so this leads many people to unconsciously ignore visceral fat as a factor in their lives. For people aiming to lose weight nowadays, they focus a lot of attention on subcutaneous fat when it comes to weight loss. Therefore, we should now increase our focus on visceral fat.

Third: What are the adverse effects of fat in the viscera

A certain level of visceral fat brings many positive health benefits to the body, but when the level of visceral fat exceeds a healthy level, it can lead to many diseases. When visceral fat levels are too high, it can cause endocrine imbalances and lead to diseases such as fatty liver, heart disease, high blood pressure and cirrhosis of the liver. At the same time, when the visceral fat content increases, it can also have many unnoticeable effects on the ability of the digestive system. Therefore, paying more attention to visceral fat in general can still have a great protective effect on your health.

Fourth: How do i get rid of visceral fat?

1. To carry out visceral fat consumption, diet is one of the first things we need to start paying attention to. To control the diet does not mean that we just have to eat less, what we have to do is to correct those bad eating habits in the past. In particular, fried foods, roadside snacks and foods with high sugar content are all things that we need to eliminate.

But we can eat more brown rice, fruits and vegetables because they are rich in fibre and other nutrients. For example, when we consume dietary fibre, it absorbs water in our belly and relieves our hunger. But when consumed during exercise, it can make the fat join the consumption process of the substance to a great extent.

2, exercise is always essential for us who want to lose fat, reasonable exercise is a very important promoter of efficient fat consumption. We can do fat loss by way of high intensity exercise or by way of relatively gentle aerobic exercise. We can all choose according to our body's ability to tolerate it. Here are a few ways to exercise for fat loss.

(1) hip bridge leg lifts

First, the body lies on the ground, legs bent, feet close to the hips while heels on the ground toes up, hips raised upwards, both arms spread.

Then, without swaying your body during the movement, lift one leg upwards in a bent position and at the end of the movement, drop back and repeat with the other leg.

Suggestion: Perform 5 to 7 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions of each movement.

(2) push-ups and tuck jumps

First, lean down, spread your arms straight out, and straighten your legs slightly together, with your toes on the ground and your body straight.

Then, jump forward with your feet slightly together, lifting your hips upwards and tightening your abdominal muscles, and when the movement is complete, jump back for the next exercise.

Suggestion: Perform 5 to 7 sets of 12 to 15 reps each.

(3) back arrow squat

Begin by standing naturally upright with your fingers touching each other, your arms slightly straight in front of your body and your legs straight.

Then, ensuring that the upper part of the body is always straight, step one leg backwards into a lunge position, leaning the upper body slightly forward during the movement.

Recommendation: Perform 5 to 7 sets of 12 to 15 reps per movement

A certain amount of fat in the internal organs does have a good effect on the body, but when the level is too high, it can also cause many illnesses in the body. Therefore, a healthy life requires a little bit of dedication in our lives.