
It's not surprising that a job or career lasts for 10 years, but if it's a hobby that lasts for 10 years then it's a true love. In many cases, the thing that changes a person's destiny is not something they put a lot of effort and time into, but rather a hobby that they love from the bottom of their heart and stick with.

As the culture of fitness gradually permeates more and more people's lives, the habit of training becomes integrated into the lives of this group of people, and some may find this statement a bit exaggerated. This is because many people feel that fitness, no matter how good it is, is just a spice or hobby of life, a dispensable thing, and not at all integrated into life. In fact, the changes that fitness training can bring to a person are subtle, and they can be seen in those who have been working out for years, but not in those who have been working out for a short time. So what is the difference in the lives of people who have been working out for 10 years versus those who have been working out for 1 year?

I. The physical difference

It has to be admitted that there are quite a few fitness people who have developed very strong muscles through 1 year of fitness training, and from the appearance of the muscles look almost equal to those who have been working out for 10 years. Even so, don't think that these people who have only been working out for 1 year can be compared to those who have been working out for 10 years. With 10 years of consistent fitness build-up, the overall quality of all aspects of the body is not something that just anyone, who trains for a random period of time, can catch up with.

The 10-year fitness base has already affected the body on a deeper level, both externally and internally, and there is a noticeable difference in muscle strength, endurance, and overall fitness. Whereas a person who has been working out for 1 year has only just changed the outside of the body and the impact and benefits are far less than the former. Therefore, it will take a certain amount of time and double the effort for someone who has been working out for 1 year to reach the level of someone who has been working out for 10 years in a short period of time.

Second, the difference between label and persona

A person who is able to stick to fitness for 10 years is bound to have left a deep impression in the circle he lives in, and this so-called impression is the label or persona. Almost everyone in life has their own label, and this label comes from all aspects of life, work, hobbies, personality, etc. As long as this label and persona is positive, then it is beneficial in one way or another for personal development.

The person who has been working out for 10 years has long been labelled by those around him as a gym-goer and one who has been working out consistently for 10 years. Many people do not understand what this label means, firstly fitness is somehow synonymous with self-discipline and the words fitness, muscular man and self-discipline come up when people talk about you. Having these more obvious and positive social labels makes it easier for people to remember and accept. A person who has been working out for 1 year can naturally build up his label with his small success, but again it takes time to build up.

Three, the state of life is not the same

There is no denying that the pace of life of fitness people is much the same, basically nothing is different. Whether it's 10 years of fitness or 1 year of fitness, their life is mostly work, training, rest three lines, even if there is a difference is not the same order. But don't think that the two are the same, the 10 year olds are more active and relaxed, after all, 10 years of training is enough to affect the whole person. People who have been working out for 1 year can only be considered as beginners, their lifestyle is much more regular than before, but overall it is not stable, and it takes time to settle down.