
Matsyasana, also known as fish pose, improves flexibility and muscle strength. If you want to stretch your back, expand your chest and increase flexibility, then fish pose is a great choice! Improves thyroid function, digestion, breathing problems, improves posture and relieves stress...

In addition to relieving stress, there are many benefits.

1) promotes breathing: Fish pose benefits those with breathing problems. It helps to improve problems such as asthma and bronchitis.

2) regulates menstruation: Fish pose is beneficial to the female reproductive system. It helps control the flow of menstruation and relieves menstrual pain.

3) improves posture: Fish pose focuses on expanding the chest, strengthening the spine and improving posture. It prevents the body from bending forward.

4) strengthens the neck and abdomen: Fish pose benefits the muscles of the abdomen and thighs. It helps keep the spine flexible and improves blood circulation.

5) relieve stress: Yogis help reduce stress through better breathing. Daily practice can help relieve anxiety.

6) strengthens the spine: Fish pose strengthens the back muscles and the spine. To keep the posture correct, it is essential to stabilize the back while practicing.

7) detoxify the body: Fish pose helps detoxify the body by keeping the intestines clean.

8) reduces belly fat: The leg lift variation of fish pose helps burn belly fat by allowing you to lift your legs upward in a perfect arch of the back.

9) benefits for endocrine glands: Fish pose stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands while increasing blood flow to the brain.

10) improves digestion: Fish pose stretches the abdominal and core muscles. It allows gentle movement of the internal organs and improves digestion.

Experts recommend practicing fish pose to improve thyroid disorders. Fish pose arches the back and increases blood flow to the thyroid gland. Stretches the neck and throat, thus stimulating the thyroid gland.

Asanas in detail

1. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet on the ground. Breathe deeply, lift the pelvic floor and slide your hands under your hips. 3.

3. Place your back on the palms of your hands. Exhale and lift your upper body and head, pressing your elbows firmly into your yoga mat. 6.

6. Tilt your head back and arch your back slightly. Place the top of your head on the floor and relax. Straighten your legs. Hold the pose for 15-30 seconds. 9.

9. To exit the pose, lower your back to the floor, place your arms at your sides, and rest.


Avoid doing fish pose if you have

High or low blood pressure

Migraine, back or neck injury

Pregnancy, heart problems, spondylitis

Asana variations

Variation 1: Legs up

Variation 2: Legs up, hands flat

Variation 3: Practice with the help of yoga blocks

Variation 4: Lotus fish pose

Variation 5.

Variation 6