
For female bodybuilders, proper pectoral muscle exercise can make the chest become more upright, rising from a cup to c cup, dressing more womanly sex appeal, but women practicing chest should not blindly choose big weight, as long as you choose the action for pectoral muscle exercise, if we take the chest as a house, the pectoralis major muscle is the foundation of this house, want to make the house high and big, it you need to target your pectoralis major.

A. The benefits of breast training for women

Women's chest exercises can be very good to improve the shape of the chest, reduce the side breast and flab. Some women with the growth of age, the chest will appear sagging phenomenon, and the chest will appear side boobs and flab, wear what kind of clothes, will not give the popular texture, if you strengthen the chest exercise, chest excess fat will be burned with the amount of exercise to the fullest, so that the side boobs and flab disappear, while the chest muscle strength increased, the chest will become more upright, the chest shape will become more and more full and good-looking.

Two, understand the structure of the chest muscles

The chest muscles are mainly made up of the pectoralis major and the pectoralis minor. Although the pectoralis major is a muscle, the muscle fibers inside it have different stops. Depending on the direction of the muscle fibres, the pectoralis muscle is divided into upper, middle and lower parts. For the upper part of the muscle, it has an oblique upward direction; for the middle part, it has a horizontal direction; and for the lower part, it has a diagonal downward direction.

The pectoralis minor is located below the pectoralis major and is very small compared to the pectoralis major. Generally, when we exercise the pectoralis major, we exercise the pectoralis minor, whose function is mainly to play a stabilizing role and plays a key role in improving poor posture.

Three, how to exercise the pectoral muscles

We are in the gym based most of the equipment exercise, such as: Butterfly machine clip chest exercise, flat bench press and equipment pushing chest and other movements, today we introduce these 3 movements, mainly with the elastic band, it can help trainers save time, anytime and anywhere you can exercise pectoral muscles, and it exercise the starting point is based on the direction of muscle fibers, if you are worried about how to exercise pectoral muscles, may be if you are worried about how to exercise your pectoral muscles, you may want to follow the exercises.

Action preparation posture: The body to maintain a standing position, chest up, the distance between the feet and shoulder width, exercise to maintain the stability of the body.

Action one: Elastic band exercise lower chest

Place the elastic band on your upper back, next squeeze down imagining your inner arms touching your outer chest extension, bring your arms down to the middle and return up to maximize your chest stretch.

Movement 2: Stretch band to work the mid pectoral muscles

Place the elastic band on the middle back, open our elbow joints and extend the arms as straight as possible forward as you apply force, allowing the palms of the two hands to touch and feel the squeezing sensation of the inner pectoral muscles.

Movement 3: Elastic band for upper chest

The elastic band is placed at the waist, let the palms of the hands go up, then lift the elastic band upwards towards the centre of the body with force, the main lift of this movement should not exceed the height of the shoulders.

It is not easy for women to use too much weight to practice chest, the above 3 elastic band exercises for chest just meet this requirement, girls can use resistance exercise pectoral muscles, so that the pectoral muscles in the appropriate resistance stimulation, the maximum contraction and stretching, while 3 movements from different parts of the pectoral muscles for practice, so that the pectoral muscles get a full range of exercise, the effect will be more obvious.