
Spring has sprung and the summer heat is just around the corner and the best things in life are to look forward to. It is once again the best time of the year to show off a good body.

For us to get that kind of body, you have to stick to a fitness program to get lasting and significant changes, but what if you want to see the changes now? Is it really possible to get your ideal body quickly?

There is a phenomenon in fitness known as 'pumpiness'. Maybe you've heard of bodybuilders and fitness models training to feel this way, or maybe you've seen arnold schwarzenegger's clip in pumping iron where he says it's "The best feeling you can have in the gym".

You may not be able to train as professionally and as long as arnold, but we are here to present a good and efficient routine for you, which will give your muscles the maximum pumping sensation and you can perform 12 to 15 high repetitions in each set. This is not just for the professionals, but also for the majority of us normal people who come to mind. Next we present these eight incredible training moves that will make you your ideal type or beauty on the fast track (and relatively more efficient).

1. Borrowed power push-up

We like to do this exercise with a piece of equipment called a "Cannonball". If your gym doesn't have this equipment, you can also use a barbell instead. The "Barrel" Is inspired by children carrying heavy loads in everyday life, but you don't have to get your hands dirty on the farm to do this exercise.

Using a shoulder-width overhand grip, extend your elbows forward so that your palms are up and the "Barrel" Is landing on your front shoulder muscles. Maintaining a neutral spine, squat your body while pushing upwards over your head as you extend your arms, then stand up straight. This movement is a combination of two movements. You start from your starting position and keep completing shoulder thrusts.

2. Bear crawl

This exercise is much harder than it looks, but we have good reason to use it because it really works.

Get down on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Lift your knees a few centimetres off the floor, making sure your back is flat. Move forward for 30 seconds. You can also do this in the opposite direction.

3. Goblet squat

How low can you squat? This movement will allow you to squat very low.

Stand with a medium weight kettlebell in your hand or hold a dumbbell near the end of your chest. This will be your starting position. Your feet should be a little wider than shoulder width apart. Lift your chest and flatten your back and squat down until you feel the hamstrings and calves squeezing each other. The kettlebell will help balance your weight. You may be surprised that you can squat this low!

4. Plank support rear leg raise

We're all familiar with the plank support, but the variation of the plank support is such that it turns the classic movement of the plank into a full body exercise.

A good plank support does more than just support yourself. You need to put your mind to the muscles you are targeting. As well as squeezing your gluteus maximus, flexing your quads and bracing your core, you need to make sure your spine is in a neutral position. This will ensure that your abs are also engaged.

5. Triceps flexion and extension

Ladies, you all want tight and sexy arms, but thanks to a little hormone called estrogen, our triceps will tend to hold on to fat. This move will soon make your arms tighter. Plus, you can do this almost anywhere.

Find a bench or chair and place your arms shoulder-width apart behind you. Keep your legs straight ahead and your arms straight, keeping a slight bend in your elbows. Slowly bend your elbows until they are at a 90 degree angle to the floor. Remember to keep your back close to the bench. Push down to straighten your arms and return to the starting position. Do 15 reps and to make this exercise easier, you can bend your legs.

6. Air punch attack and defence

The air punch is a fun and effective exercise to get your blood pumping. A classic combination is the jab, cross, hook and uppercut. 4 punches in a group, how is this done?

Traditionally, a jab is a punch thrown with a straight left hand to give it some power. A cross is a power punch that is thrown in the opposite direction and is very powerful. The hook is the most common boxing move. Just imagine you are stirring a bowl of soup quickly, keeping all 3 movements close together.

Finally, as its name implies, the uppercut is thrown by way of an upward motion. To make the uppercut more powerful, you can lower your shoulders and knees, propelling your body forward and upwards as you extend your fist. Combine these moves together and you have a "Sure shot" Combination. Once you've got the moves down, practice them several times to achieve faster results.

7. Side lunge

The side lunge allows you to move your body in the frontal plane (left and right), whereas most movements are usually performed in the sagittal plane (front and back). It is important to train in all planes of motion.

You may be familiar with the lunge, but many people make the mistake of falling at the knees rather than the hips when doing the side lunge. This puts a lot of pressure on the quads and not much help from the gluteus maximus and glutes. Concentrate on bending at the waist, through the gluteus maximus, so that you keep your back straight. You do lunges just like you do deep squats.

8. Medicine ball floor reps

Strength training like box jumps and deadlifts can be daunting. But medicine ball reps are a safe and effective way to increase training intensity and lose fat.

Grab a 5 to 10 kg medicine ball. You may find it easier to use a soft-skinned medicine ball. Quickly lift the ball above your head and slam it down onto the floor. As you do this, follow the ball with your body due to inertia. Avoid bending too far forward at the waist and finish in a low squat position with your head facing upwards and your chest and gluteus maximus pressed down. Catch the ball on the first bounce and repeat 10 to 12 times.

Go ahead and try these training moves. While the key to fitness is persistence, these moves will allow you to train in a short time and achieve better results.