
Whether you have no fitness, whether you have not been to the gym, i believe you must have heard the word "Inverted triangle", it is used to describe those who have developed back muscles, the angular lines, the outward extension of the latissimus dorsi, like a pair of "Living map the back muscles of the back are so well-developed that the angular lines, the outward extension of the latissimus dorsi, like a "Living map".

In the fitness circle popular phrase, "Novice training chest, veteran training legs, expert training back", which shows the importance of the back muscle group in the body structure, of course, the back muscle group is not like the pectoral muscles and abdominal muscles, we can obviously see, just because we can not see their back muscles, so we often ignore the back muscle group training, some people are often only practice chest not back, resulting in the phenomenon of hunchback. The following are three kinds of golden movements dedicated to shaping the back muscle group, one to see.

(1) t-bar push-up rowing

There are many back training movements, but the t-bar dip rowing is definitely the favorite movement of fitness gurus, because it is the best action to train the thickness of the back muscle groups, while the strength of the body core also plays a significant effect.

Action process.

First of all, the weight of the barbell suitable for their own vertical in the middle of the body legs, two feet left and right apart, no barbell piece of one end of the card, do not let it shake. Body squatting knees bent, hands holding the "T" Handle body natural sinking, collapse waist, head up and chest abdomen, inhale the barbell pulled to their abdominal position, a short pause after exhaling the barbell back to the starting position.

Attention to detail.

1. In the exercise process to always keep the core tension, back straight, in the barbell pulled to the abdomen when the shoulder blades to tighten, a slight pause of two seconds before sending the barbell back to the original position.

2. No basic people in the beginning of the practice of this action, the barbell is not too heavy, first to feel the contraction of the back shoulder blades and back muscle extension, and then gradually increase the power after finding this feeling.

3. When pulling up and down the barbell do not borrow the inertia of up and down, always use your back to feel, so that the back muscles can be fully contracted and stretched.

(2) seated high pull down

Sitting high pull down is a necessary equipment for every gym, is a very simple to learn action equipment, it is mainly to train the width of the back, can fully stimulate the large round muscle, small round muscle, latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoid muscle, rhomboid muscle and the size of the rhomboid muscle, its grip is divided into a wide grip, narrow grip, positive grip, reverse grip four grip, each grip on the muscle stimulation effect is different. The following we sit in the normal posture forehand wide grip to specify.

Action process.

First sit on the high pull-down apparatus position, legs knees stuck, so as not to make the body shake. Head up hands frontal homeopathic grip handle left and right, chest sinking shoulders, body slightly backward tilt a little, inhale, hands from above the head to pull the bar to their chest or collarbone position, at this time the shoulder blades contraction, after a pause of about two seconds exhale to send the bar back to the starting position.

Attention to detail.

1. When pulling the bar from high up to the chest, lean back a little.

2. Relax your shoulders when pulling down the bar and use your shoulder blades and latissimus dorsi to feel the squeeze and contraction of the muscles.

3. When practicing this action, you should not bend your back, nor should you lean back too much, otherwise it will not only affect the contraction of the muscles but also make the joints suffer.

4. In the pull-down body do not sway with external force and inertia to pull the weight down.

5. In the practice process we should pull fast and slow, to do centrifugal training, so as to stimulate the muscles 100%.

(3) pull-ups

This action we are familiar with, whether it is the gym or in the outdoor park bar, we often see people playing this action, the pull-up is definitely the best training method to test the overall quality of a person's body, some people are playing him out of the height of the pattern, more and more people began to like this training method, in the practice process can be positive grip can also be reverse grip.

Action process.

Left and right hands positive grip (palms facing forward) bar, the width of the same width as the shoulders or slightly wider, two feet off the ground, arms naturally hanging down on the ground. Use the strength of the latissimus dorsi muscles to pull the body upward until the chin is next to the bar when it is stationary for two seconds, then gradually extend the arms and relax the body so that the body is perpendicular to the ground.

1. Stand still for about two or three seconds while the body is pulled upward to allow the muscles to contract at their peak.

2. The action process should be centrifugal training, fast pull and slow release.

3. Pull up is to breathe in, put down to breathe out.

4. Do not let the body swing back and forth throughout the process.

5. According to their own ability, you can choose to do the action when the legs are vertical, you can also choose to bend backwards with legs overlapping.

Throughout the above three movements, they all have one thing in common, in the entire movement is completed must use the back scapulae and latissimus dorsi to feel the muscle contraction and squeeze, followed by fast pull and slow release, only to do these two points, the muscle will be completely activated, while playing a key role in our muscle gain.

The above are three training movements for the back muscles, as long as you understand the correct training method, it allows us to faster have strong back muscle groups, of course, in addition to hard training, we must also cooperate with scientific nutrition diet and sleep, so that we can better let our let muscle growth!