
Aerobic exercise is one of the keys to improving your heart health. Try these exercises to add some fun to your fitness regime.

For optimal heart health, the american heart association recommends 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise most days of the week. If you can't work out for 30 minutes at a time, you can break up your exercise program into 10- to 15-minute segments. Aerobic exercise improves cardio health and reduces many risk factors for heart disease.

Get out there for a healthy heart!

The number one aerobic exercise in the top 10 is walking. Walking is enjoyable, safe, inexpensive and easy to fit into almost anyone's busy day. You can walk to work, walk to the grocery shop, or walk around your neighborhood. Aerobic exercise is the continuous, rhythmic use of large muscles over a long period of time, and walking is a good example of this.

Exercise at home by taking the stairs

To get the maximum heart health benefits from aerobic exercise, aim for 50 to 85 per cent of your maximum heart rate. Climbing the stairs, whether at home or in the gym, is an easy way to get into your target range. To calculate your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220. If you don't want to stop and count your heartbeat, you can assume you're at your target pace while you can keep talking during your workout without getting too out of breath.

Go for a bike ride

The pumping of large leg muscles is a great cardio workout for the heart. Either a road bike or a stationary bike can be used for this exercise. When it is too cold or too wet to cycle outdoors, riding a stationary bike at home can put you on the road to heart health. The position of the seat and pedals is important to prevent injury when cycling, so make sure your bike is the right fit for your body.

Take a swim

Swimming is statistically one of the best aerobic exercises and the third most popular physical activity. Two and a half hours of swimming a week will give you the amount of aerobic exercise you need and also bring benefits to heart health. Another benefit of this type of exercise is that swimming is less stressful on your bones and joints. This is especially beneficial if you are just starting out a little overweight or suffer from joint conditions such as arthritis.

Get some exercise on the elliptical machine

Elliptical machines are one of the fastest growing cardio options. These machines can be found in most fitness centres, and more and more people are buying them to exercise at home. The heart-healthy benefit of the elliptical machine is that it works both your upper and lower body. The motion of the elliptical mimics running. At the same time, the rhythmic arm movements get the blood flowing to the back and shoulder muscles.

Have fun dancing!

Dancing helps with heart health and is a rhythmic aerobic exercise. All you need is a good pair of shoes, some space, and music that motivates you. A good aerobic macronutrient heartbeat is about 120 to 135 beats per minute. Depending on your ability and preference, the level of impact of dancing can range from high to low. You can take dance classes with others, such as zumba, or work out on your own at home.

Relax with tai chi

According to a survey, many adults use tai chi as a low-impact aerobic exercise. Tai chi is an ancient chinese form of exercise based on martial arts. It uses slow paced body movements combined with deep breathing and concentration, which is why it is also known as 'moving meditation'. This exercise is good for both mind and body, including heart health.

Stay healthy at home with physical games

Playing interactive video games is a great alternative to exercising at home. Studies have shown that physical boxing, tennis and bowling can raise your heart rate to aerobic standards. Somatic games do provide an effective form of exercise. Remember, in order to achieve physical activity you need to play for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

Get stoked with water aerobics

Like swimming, water aerobics offers good aerobic protection for heart health without putting as much strain on your joints as other regular exercises. If you have arthritis, knee pain, or are overweight, water aerobics may be the best exercise for you. Water aerobics has been shown to improve joint function in people with arthritis without aggravating symptoms.

Other benefits of aerobic exercise

It would be hard to find a more beneficial lifestyle habit than aerobic exercise. Regular aerobic exercise helps control blood pressure, reduces stress and depression, raises cholesterol levels, helps with weight loss and maintenance, lowers blood sugar in people with diabetes, increases muscle and bone strength, and helps prevent blood clots." Choose an aerobic exercise that you can enjoy and stick to and you will reap more benefits than you ever thought possible.