
When i first walked into the gym, my reaction was: This big iron frame looks very powerful? Is it possible to add more functions to it? The instrument with two pedals and two long handles is not difficult to play? The guy sitting there to make the force, this is too powerful, right?

I believe that many people and i was the same, in the gym to witness the big muscle brother and butt sister skilled play but can not name the equipment, and jumped to try but do not know where to start, in fact, not only fitness white, many often mixed with the gym of the old drivers are not necessarily on the name of the equipment he often use, of course, the name is not the most important, but more understanding of the equipment must not be a bad thing.

If you categorize gym equipment, different perspectives have different ways of classification, coarse granularity can be roughly divided into two categories: Comprehensive fitness equipment and local fitness equipment, according to the type of fitness can be divided into aerobic fitness equipment and anaerobic fitness equipment, in fact, a lot of equipment according to your training movements can play a different training effect, and there is no absolute boundary, this article on the core function of the equipment in this article, from the core function of the equipment to the gym for you to inventory the most commonly used 20 kinds of equipment!

A, aerobic chapter


This should be the highest recognition of fitness equipment, all the gym standard, the function does not need to say, naturally, is based on aerobic training, whether it is sweating or core training before the warm-up, the treadmill is a good choice.

The controversy of the treadmill is more in the level of comparison with outdoor running, some people say that the treadmill is less damage to the knees, some say that the outdoor running exercise effect is more awesome, say my feeling: I generally rarely run on the treadmill, one because the semi-closed space air circulation is not very smooth, plus the summer gym air conditioning temperature is low, sweat did not storm out the cold air but invasion. In addition, i do not know if you have this feeling, treadmill running 1 hour did not feel much, lower speed road running half an hour of physical exertion, in fact, it is not difficult to understand, the treadmill does not need to overcome the wind resistance brought about by the air, the running belt under the feet is automatically backward movement, which is the real treadmill than road running to save energy, and road running not only to overcome the wind resistance, but also from time to time according to the road conditions of the up and down slope high and low pit to do adjustment, the consumption of body energy is actually greater, the main thing is that the treadmill without music or film drama fun will be greatly reduced, while the scenery along the way will not repeat. As for the treadmill shock absorption on the knee protection, i disagree, the knee is really damaged regardless of road running or treadmill is not recommended, and running posture as long as the correct, road running or preferred!

02丨elliptical machine

There are treadmills in the gym is generally less elliptical machine, elliptical machine is also called spacewalker, is also cardio-based equipment, different from the treadmill is the elliptical machine can effectively combine the movement of the arms and legs, elliptical machine slope design, resistance resistance adjustment function, choreographed movement pattern and the ability to exercise some tissue muscles specifically on the lower limbs than the treadmill is more full of science the most important feature of the elliptical machine is that it is a good exercise machine.

The biggest feature of the elliptical machine is that the user in the exercise of the knee is not much force, thus avoiding the impact of running on the knee injury, because the elliptical machine is relatively wide range of motion, but also to enhance the waist muscle endurance and strength, for knee damage or fluid is not suitable for running gym users with elliptical machine to do cardio or warm-up is a good choice, half an hour of elliptical machine at a reasonable speed to complete, but also quite a feeling!

03丨rowing machine

The action of the rowing machine is somewhat simulated water rowing, which can measure the strength and frequency of movement consumed by the exerciser in the process, so it is also called a dynamometer.

Rowing machine each row, the body's upper limbs, lower limbs, waist and abdomen, back, etc. Will be completed with a complete contraction and stretching, belonging to a whole body involved in aerobic training equipment, especially for the waist and abdomen and upper arm fat more people are more suitable. In fact, the use of rowing machine fun and effect is still in the process of continuous challenge, the challenge of speed frequency will feel the stimulation of different strengths, the number of times each group can verify your progress, rowing machine use of good words can actually achieve some anaerobic training to improve the core.

In addition, for those who really want to add a treadmill or elliptical machine at home, i actually recommend adding a rowing machine as a priority .


Dynamic cycling is actually a modified indoor bicycle, and all aerobic exercise, dynamic cycling is also in the full activation of the body's movement cells, in the consumption of energy while achieving the purpose of fat loss. In several aerobic equipment training, kinetic cycling can be said to be the most intense exercise equipment, usually a class can consume about 500 calories, equivalent to running seven or eight kilometers, in the leg-centered exercise process, the buttocks, waist, back, arm muscles can be fully exercised, but also to enhance your cardiorespiratory function.

Dynamic cycling is also a relatively special aerobic exercise, generally require group classes to complete, in the coach's high-pitched slogans and dynamic music sound, rhythmic and passionate to complete the action of their own intensity, different physical fitness and patience can choose different strength, the core of dynamic cycling is the rhythm, as long as the rhythm to keep up, the effect is very good.

05丨exercise bike

Many people will confuse the exercise bike and dynamic bike, in fact, these are two kinds of equipment, from the structure of the more obvious difference is the location of the flywheel, dynamic bike most of the flywheel is front, while the exercise bike is front and rear, while the flywheel using wrapped design. From the way of riding, dynamic cycling standing riding or sitting riding can be, flexibility can be understood as about the same as a bicycle, while the exercise bike is divided into recumbent riding and sitting riding two sports state, due to the different application scenarios, so in the placement of the stability of the exercise bike will be more solid, will not sway left and right.

Then look at the intensity of the two sports, dynamic cycling mostly using 8kg ~ 25kg flywheel, inertia is relatively large, riding more strenuous, sports intensity will be greater and more exciting, while most of the exercise bike's magnetic flywheel is 8kg below the small flywheel, and limited to the body structure suitable for seated riding, sports intensity will be a lot smaller than the dynamic cycling.

Overall, the intensity of the dynamic bike is larger, more suitable for young people who need to lose fat, legs or knee injuries are not very suitable, while the exercise bike is suitable for both young and old, the requirements of the legs are not very large, if only to warm up or do exercise stretch is a good choice!

Second, anaerobic chapter

06丨smith rack

In the anaerobic training area, smith rack is considered one of the gym's standard, smith rack features a restricted barbell sliding trajectory, whether it is to do squats or push-ups when the trainer do not have to worry about the sudden swing before and after the barbell, smith rack function is very much, the most common is the squat and different positions of the bench press (upward slant, flat, downward slant), in addition, smith rack can also do the pitch rowing. The smith rack can be said to be a comprehensive fitness equipment, such as biceps curls, heel lifts and so on.

Most fitness people are using the smith rack bench press to practice pectoralis major, as well as squat to practice the lower extremities, no matter which is to be measured, the most gym accidents is and barbell-related movements, once the advantages of the smith rack will become disadvantages, due to the limitations of the barbell slide, in case the support can not be pressed down the consequences are unimaginable, so a person exercise should not try large weights, it is best to have a partner to protect! The premise of peer protection!

07丨free squat rack

The smith rack is relatively simple compared to the smith rack, the smith rack due to the restrictions of the barbell sliding trajectory to improve the safety index while also correspondingly reducing the difficulty of the movement, while the free squat rack whether to do the bench press or squat on the core strength of the assessment are higher, the muscle groups of force stimulation is also more comprehensive.

The free squat rack is very convenient for trainers to take down the barbell to do free hard pull, comprehensive compared to the free squat rack and smith rack does not exist who can replace the relationship between the two can complement each other, so generally relatively formal gym will be configured at the same time the two sets of equipment!

08丨large gantry frame

Generally in a slightly larger gym we will see a very impressive equipment, a very large door, two columns on either side, the top can also do the body, the collar side is a variety of rope fitness equipment, this is actually the gantry, gantry is generally composed of five parts, respectively, crossbeam, chassis, column, guide beam and pivot point, these five parts can make the gantry has the role of lifting and moving the weight, just because the equipment shape characteristics are very much like two dragon pillars built from so called gantry.

Many people can not tell the difference between the gantry and smith frame, teach you a simple method: There is a barbell frame called smith frame, with rope stretching kind is the gantry, gantry has the size of the difference later will mention the small. Gantry is a more comprehensive training apparatus, the top beam can do pull-ups, up-kick leg curl, left and right swing leg curl, etc., the two sides of the column and floor equipment can do high pull-down, a variety of rope flying bird, rope diagonal pull, tensioner rowing, etc., and the exercise is involved in all parts of the body, except for the lower limb movements on the lesser side, almost all other parts of the muscle can be completed with a large gantry.

09丨small gantry

I have never seen a big gantry friends must know the small gantry, small gantry function is actually similar to the big gantry, because the gantry is narrower, can not do the big gantry of the big bird clip chest action, but the general bird is not affected at all, in addition to the small gantry is generally not high pull down and tensioner rowing configuration, in addition to the function is not much different from the big gantry, small gantry in the general gym also all have configuration.

10丨single and double bar pull-up machine

Like to do single and double bar pull-up friends should not be unfamiliar with this equipment, the beam has a different width of the single bar pull-up grip, the middle position of the device according to the height of the body with double bar arm support, the device in addition to the most commonly used double bar arm extension and single bar up the body, but also with the backrest of the device and both sides of the support and handrails to do leg lifting abdominal suction or abdominal curl action.

Single and double bar pulling equipment is also common equipment to exercise the pectoralis major muscle, pectoralis arm flexion is a double leg forward bend under the arm flexion action, the stimulation of the pectoralis major muscle is particularly significant, the difficulty is also much greater than the standard arm flexion, in addition to many post-exercise stretching action and regular high leg press action can also be completed with the help of single and double bar puller!

11丨assisted pull-up machine

It is rumored that to verify whether a person is a fitness expert or not, you only need to see how many single-bar pull-ups he can do, which shows how difficult the pull-ups are. Many beginners can't do pull-ups and often need the assistance of an escort to complete them, and the assisted pull-up is a device tailored for beginners.

The principle of assisted is simple, that is, according to your actual arm strength size to adjust the kneeling board support force to help complete the pull-up action, with the subsequent increase in strength and reduce the support strength until no longer rely on assisted, you can upgrade to play self-help pull-up equipment!

12丨multifunctional sit-up board

When it comes to sit-ups, i believe no one is unfamiliar with them, and multifunctional sit-up boards are standard in almost every gym. The so-called multi-functional, is more than the simple sit-up board in addition to sit-ups other fitness features, such as rope pulling exercise, spring assist, dips back, upward sloping reverse abdominal curl, etc..

When it comes to sit-ups, in fact, many people's practices or problems, the correct sit-up position should be the body lying flat, knees curled into about 90 degrees, the back close to the support surface. With the abdominal force, the head and upper body slowly leave the support surface. In the upper body to the knees in the process, the abdominal muscles get squeezed, the recovery process is also the same with the waist and abdominal strength will slowly restore the upper body, but do not completely return to lying flat, the body and the ground is about 15 degrees best, and remember to hold hands behind the head, so that the strength of the hands will be used to pull the upper body up, causing great pressure on the neck, the correct approach is to hold the hands lightly by the ears, or hands on the chest.

Sit-ups another movement i often do is the upward slanting reverse abdominal roll (supine leg lift), the movement mainly with the strength of the rectus abdominis to control the standard of action, the spine upward leg lift the main force from the rotation of the pelvis rather than the inertia brought about by the elasticity of the legs, the slower the movement the better the effect, the legs rolled to a vertical angle up is the key to the movement, upward slanting reverse abdominal roll for the lower abdominal muscle exercise effect is very effective, each time as long as the standard completion of the tear feeling is particularly obvious!

13丨roman chair

Roman chair and sit-up board is more like a pair of brothers, the same is the core training of lumbar abdominal equipment, roman chair of the two classic training movements "Goat jerk" And "Roman chair side flexion" Is the most common in the gym, but the standard jerk and side flexion not many people can completely do it.

The use of roman chair side bending can play a side abdominal exercise effect, but remember that the chair height should be just against the crotch position, not easy to be too high above the waist, so that the magnitude of the side bending will be greatly impaired, sideways to the body should be perpendicular to the ground, remember to lean forward in the process, with the strength of the waist and abdomen bend down and then recover, if you want better results can be carried out with dumbbells or kettlebells with weights.

And goat jerk is more likely to make mistakes, the correct goat jerk should be crossed hands in front of the chest, the hip as the axis of rotation, hip flexion and extension, mainly by the hip and thighs on the back of the hamstrings force, vertical spinal muscles will also be involved, but mainly responsible for maintaining stability, lower back amplitude can be slightly larger, but the amplitude of the jerk should not be too large, to parallel with the legs can be, many people are wrong in thinking that back the greater the amplitude of the bend the better, so that the practice is feeling very sore, but may also lead to damage to your spine.

In addition, roman chairs can also complete the dip rowing, roman chairs lift legs and other movements, in short, no matter which action, roman chairs with a good core is very effective training equipment for the waist and abdomen, but if the wrong force or too much, it will bring the risk of lumbar muscle strain!


The dumbbells and barbells are basically the standard for all gyms, and they are the main equipment to exercise the upper and lower limbs, and the dumbbells seem to have a wider application scene, compared to the barbells, the dumbbells are also more suitable for home use.

The dumbbell is one of the instruments often used for chest exercises, dumbbell bench press (upward inclined dumbbell push-up, flat bench dumbbell push-up, downward inclined dumbbell push-up) and dumbbell flying bird (upward inclined dumbbell flying bird) is a particularly effective action for the chest and arm muscle groups, dumbbell front planks and side planks can exercise to the deltoid area, supine dumbbell arm flexion, sitting dumbbell neck arm flexion, dumbbell prone arm flexion, etc. Can be effective the dumbbell curls are very effective for biceps exercise, dumbbell "Prone rowing" Is one of the very effective movements for back muscles and obliques, while dumbbell squats and dumbbell front and back arrow bows are the most common movements for lower limb training.

The dumbbells are not very useful!

15丨dumbbell bench

The dumbbell bench is actually a fitness aid, often used to assist dumbbells or barbells to complete a series of fitness movements, such as the above-mentioned upward inclined dumbbell bench press, downward inclined dumbbell bench press, dumbbell flying bird, barbell bench press, etc., so generally buy a dumbbell fitness enthusiasts will be equipped with a dumbbell bench. The difference between a dumbbell bench and a regular exercise class bench is that the former is adjustable to meet different exercise needs, although the general flat bench can also do bench press and flying bird, but the limitations are greater, it is generally recommended to choose an adjustable dumbbell bench.

In addition to the familiar variety of bench press, rowing, flying birds and other movements, the dumbbell bench can also be used with trx to complete the supine reverse flexion, with dumbbells to complete the bulgarian squat and other movements, as an auxiliary class of equipment, many creative movements can be completed with the dumbbell bench!


The kettlebell is more like a lead ball with a handle, and can do a variety of push, lift, lift, throw and squat jump exercises, kettlebells and dumbbells have a lot of similarities in application scenarios, both can do squats, hard pulls, push-ups and other movements, but the structure of the kettlebell handle makes it possible to have a role that can not be replaced by dumbbells, such as two-handed shake kettlebell, one-handed shake kettlebell, kettlebell snatch, etc.

Kettlebells are better than dumbbells for explosive training, but there are no absolutes, dumbbells are more focused on basic training movements, if you are a fitness beginner recommended to choose dumbbells first to master sports posture and skills, after a certain core foundation and then use kettlebells to challenge more fun!

17丨stirrup machine

Stirrup machine as the name implies, mainly used to exercise leg strength, especially the quadriceps. The action exercise before the knee and hip joints to fully move open, the action process always keep the chest, abdominal, upper body in the force do not lean forward, which will produce a lot of pressure on the waist, easy to cause lumbar injury. When the legs are completely straight, the knees should not be completely straight, when the legs are bent, keep the thighs and calves into a 9 degree bend. In the process of control do not have slack and relaxation will be the force mostly let the muscle course suffer, otherwise it is easy to cause knee injury.

18丨horizontal leg bending trainer

Horizontal leg bending mainly exercise the biceps femoris, the movement seems simple, as long as you lie down to adjust the weight will basically do, but need to pay attention to is hooked up to the weight when the calf should not exceed the vertical surface, restore the biceps femoris to force slow control, both legs do not completely straight, keep the tension state, the action process can not rely on inertia. In addition, the biceps femoris contraction force when the hip can not be lifted to avoid borrowing, such as this situation indicates that the weight is too heavy, should reduce the weight of the test lift.

19丨sitting leg flexion trainer

Sitting leg flexor mainly exercise quadriceps, back against the leaning board, hands clutching the handle, both legs bent knee down, with both feet hooked to the bar, in the calf force lifting weight in the process of quadriceps will contraction force, at the highest point to get a full contraction, after a short pause slowly lower the weight to the lowest point before the next action.

It is important to note that the quadriceps muscle contraction can not leave the back of the leaning board, the gluteus maximus should not be lifted to lend strength, the upper body as far as possible to maintain a static state, otherwise it will reduce the active muscle force, exercise effect is not good. The process to keep the toes hooked up, if not hooked up toes, quadriceps is difficult to contract completely!

20丨butterfly machine

The butterfly machine is a common device for chest training enthusiasts, mainly in the form of flying bird clip chest exercise pectoralis major muscle, the butterfly machine is divided into straight arm and curved arm, arm straight by the handle grip clip chest kind of straight arm, elbow bent against the leaning board to force the kind of curved arm, before using the butterfly machine is recommended to do a warm-up or do a few groups of lighter power action, to avoid coming up to add weight to cause muscle damage, the first time you can use the back close to the seat. After finding the power skills can be back from the chair, so that the power point more concentrated in the chest, but also can drive the abdominal muscle groups exercise!

The butterfly machine has two types of exercises, the reverse butterfly machine or independent reverse butterfly machine can achieve another exercise effect. The difference with the butterfly clip chest is that the direction of force is reversed, as with the tensioner chest expansion, can exercise the deltoid muscle bundle at the same time can also take into account the back muscles.

21丨sitting chest pusher

The gym is also a corner of the gym equipment regulars, mainly exercise our pectoralis major, deltoid front bundle and triceps and other parts, sitting push chest and barbell bench press compared to safer and easier to get started, but the requirements of strength and control above the barbell bench press is undoubtedly higher, but this does not mean that sitting push chest on the first gear, different people or choose a way that suits them.

In the process of using the seated pushing chest, first need to adjust the seat of the fitness equipment to the right height, the standard for the height of the grip and the height of the upper edge of the chest, and then adjust the weight, after sitting on the seat, the head, upper back and hips pressed to the backrest, waist tightened forward, push to the apex of the elbow joints do not completely straight, after a pause of 1 second, restore, while inhaling, restore to the two when the two arms are in a straight line, push again and repeat the exercise.

22 丨sitting shoulder pusher

The structure is similar to the seated chest pusher, but the difference is that the chest pusher is forward, while the shoulder pusher is up. The main muscle groups that are stressed when using the shoulder pusher are the deltoids, triceps, and pectoralis major, and the pushing apparatus must remember not to completely straighten, and so is the shoulder pusher, the process of restoration should not be too fast, slow recovery can also be a good way to stimulate the deltoids, this type of action is generally recommended 15-20 as a group!

23丨biceps curl training chair

The biceps curl training chair is actually a combination of the priest's chair and dumbbells, a one-piece biceps curl training chair is typical of local fitness equipment, compared to the weight of the training chair with the help of dumbbells or barbells more flexible adjustment, but also easy to control and master the power skills, but i personally think that the use of one training chair and the use of separate priest's chair is the same as the difference between the use of smith rack and free squat rack, want to challenge if you want to challenge the difficulty and more power skills, the separated pure priest chair will be better.

24丨triceps bending training chair

Triceps bending training chair mainly through the seated arm flexion reverse force to exercise triceps, the force point is to launch the downward pressure process, the arm should be padded in the pad, the seat height needs to be adjusted to the most comfortable position to carry out. Triceps exercise generally uses dumbbell rear wall flexion, dumbbell single arm rear flexion, narrow distance push-ups, rope rear arm flexion, etc. In addition, including bench press, double bar arm flexion and other movements can also achieve the exercise effect, so the seated arm flexion apparatus appears to be less important than other apparatus, many gyms can not see.

25丨sitting rowing machine

The following apparatus is also a kind of rowing machine, belonging to the fixed seated rowing machine, seated rower has a wide distance and narrow distance rowing, and rowing machine, gantry rope rowing, the same, the main exercise back muscles, especially the latissimus dorsi. Seated rowing machine mainly relies on the back muscles force, remember the process of body back or biceps hair force, do not shrug shoulder probe, so the stimulation of the back muscles is discounted.

26丨sitting posture high pull down machine

Similar to the rope high pull down device, mainly to exercise the latissimus dorsi instrument, and the rope is different from the sitting posture instrument fixed two arms pull down the trajectory of the beginners to play a role in correcting the posture, but the rope pull down relatively higher power control requirements, different force can take into account the different muscle groups.

Whether using the rope or seated fixed pull-down apparatus need to pay attention to the use of latissimus dorsi contraction force to pull the weight, rather than the arms, pull down when the shoulder muscles to relax, action to restore do not shrug the shoulders, will affect the force of the latissimus dorsi, in addition, the body should not swing back and forth to borrow force, always maintain a vertical state with the ground.

27丨pastor's bench

The priest bench is also called biceps training bench, as the name suggests, is mainly used to exercise biceps with the same dumbbell bench, the priest bench belongs to the auxiliary class of equipment, mainly supplemented by barbells or dumbbells to do bending movements. The biceps curl action is one of the common gym movements, seemingly simple, but to control the stability of the upper arm to fully let the force point focused on the biceps also requires a little skill, the priest bench and seated arm flexor trainer has a similar arm pad, but one is biceps force a triceps force!

28丨bodybuilding wheel

Play abdominal wheel is also generally a symbol of strength, the test of the core of the waist and abdomen is very large. The quality of the gym's abdominal wheel is generally poor, mostly the kind of plastic or the kind that looks great and also brings back the actual experience of using the general kind. Recommend that you buy that pure rubber wheel abdominal wheel, use it very elastic smooth feeling, not easy to slip recovery also does not feel particularly difficult to control because of the ground, the risk of abdominal wheel is not well controlled will face the ground to cause unimaginable damage, if the early can not do standing posture can choose to assist from a kneeling position or against the wall, rebound abdominal wheel is to reduce the difficulty, but i think less scientific!

29丨abdominal discs

The abdominal plate in the gym appears infrequently, home is more common, is a relatively niche equipment. The abdominal plate can basically complete all the movements of the abdominal wheel, but also to do more extension, overall than the abdominal wheel difficulty factor is slightly larger, but the shoulders, abdomen, chest, back and other core muscle groups have a better stimulating effect, in addition to the abdominal plate in the application process will generally be a combination of movements, such as the abdominal plate suction abdominal buttocks plus push-ups on the same time exercise to the abdomen, chest, shoulders and back and other parts, the key to the use of the abdominal plate is control the stability of the four wheels!

30丨fitness cannon

The actual role of this hollow cylinder that can be flipped, lifted, rolled, and lifted is great, and is a unique device that takes into account strength and endurance core training, and can train legs, back, shoulders, waist and abdomen, etc. Both anaerobic and aerobic can be done, and the weight of the cannon varies.

Fitness cannon movement is actually very rich, deep squat, jumping, abdominal rolls, moving and so on can be used, there are small partners together with or group classes to use more interesting, general fitness friends can be more contact to try to master the posture skills and can be progressive!


Trx is a series of training completed with the help of suspension equipment, is the abbreviation of total resistance exercise, that is, the "Whole body resistance exercise" Means, in the fitness community we often call it "Suspension training system.

Trx training commonly used suspension training rope, suspension training bands and some functional training bars, the most commonly used is the suspension training rope, with the suspension training rope we can complete the suspension squat, trx flat, trx push-ups, trx abdominal buttocks, trx rowing, trx single-leg jump, trx climber style and many other movements, it can be said that trx is a simple but practical equipment, but many movements are also very sadistic!

32丨stretch band

The elastic band is also called resistance band, more suitable for home scenes resistance training, if online shopping, you can see the business shot elastic band n more than fitness action, both to replace the dumbbell to do arm flexion, but also to roll the abdominal training legs training shoulders and back, but most people buy to stick with the fear of not much, one is the elastic band fixed elasticity is not well adjusted, and then use it really can not replace other equipment, but for home fitness equipment. It is a cost-effective tool.

The gym's elastic band may appear in the exercise room or do a single bar to do when the body to assist, want to practice double strength arm friends, the early with the elastic band is a good choice!

33丨yoga ball

Yoga ball should not be unfamiliar, as the core training-based fitness equipment, yoga ball movements can be practiced all over the body, yoga ball buttocks, yoga ball flat, yoga ball abdominal suction, yoga ball push-ups, yoga ball abdominal roll, etc., yoga ball is the kind of seemingly simple, but beginners without a certain core foundation is not easy to control the stability of the yoga ball.

34丨pill ball

Medicine ball, also generally called gravity ball or fitness ball, commonly used medicine ball generally have high elasticity medicine ball (basketball size) and non-elasticity medicine ball (slightly larger) two, some with a grip medicine ball called single (double) ear medicine ball, medicine ball is generally solid rubber material.

In fact, the application of ball equipment are more extensive, medicine ball can also be exercised to all parts of the body, the most commonly used movements are medicine ball squatting up smashing wall (practice lower limb and arm strength), medicine ball sitting posture turn body smashing wall (exercise waist and abdominal and upper limb strength), medicine ball flat props, medicine ball push-ups, medicine ball back throw, medicine ball smashing ground, etc., each different action to the corresponding parts of the exercise effect!

35丨bosu ball

The bosu ball is mainly composed of two parts, the upper part is made of rubber hemisphere, the lower part is a plastic platform, mainly used to exercise the human body's sense of balance.

Bosu ball sphere and plane have a lot of movements, spherical face down movements are bosu ball hand support, push-ups squat lift, ball on the big rope, single-leg squat, etc., spherical face up can exercise flat brace, bosu ball lateral curl, bosu ball hip bridge, bosu ball front and back lunge squat, with the trx single-leg jump, etc.

36丨push and pull sled

The push-pull sled is also called a cart, generally using weighted exercises, can fully exercise your rear side chain muscle groups and core strength, pectoralis major, glutes, arms, shoulders and back, legs and almost the whole body force, although the foot running sprint for the main exercise form, but to ensure the combination of speed and power need to coordinate the whole body power concentrated burst, both the exercise of the core is also a test of the core.

37丨battle rope

Battle rope, is what we usually say shake big rope, almost all gym is also the necessary equipment, in fact, shake big rope is not only daily fitness enthusiasts in use, many professional athletes including long and short distance running, boxing, a variety of ball players will practice, battle rope is also a combination of aerobic and strength core movement, dance battle rope, the abdomen, waist, hands, feet and other whole body multiple muscle tissue are very good stimulating effect, is fast fat burning, enhance the body coordination of the best action, and dump the big rope of different positions, such as hands wave, cross wave, left and right strong fall, open and close jump and other movements also make the exercise full of challenges and fun!

38丨fitness pedal

The fitness pedal more often than not belongs to the auxiliary equipment, is composed of two sides of the hollow square column and the middle of the horizontal plate three parts, the most commonly used is the pedal exercise, belong to the aerobic exercise, fat burning effect is very good. In addition, the use of fitness pedals can also complete the leg lift jump, step push-ups, pedal back pedal, deep squat jump turn body and other movements, more lower limb movements.

39丨fitness tires

Fitness tires generally use discarded tires, there are also manufacturers selling refurbished or new tires, tires from tens of kilograms to hundreds of kilograms with different specifications, fitness tires is definitely not a purely brutal exercise by brute force, in essence, fitness tires for core strength training is very effective, and even many professional athletes will choose fitness tires for their daily training.

Tire training is actually very interesting, a lot of patterns, such as lower limb training can do bouncing, tire lifting and carrying, waist and abdominal training can do weighted push-ups, the most commonly used tire tumbling is a comprehensive movement that can simultaneously exercise to the waist and abdomen, lower limbs, upper limbs, shoulders and back.

40丨step machine

The treadmill was popular for a while two years ago, when the company workstation next to even many friends home will buy one, the principle of the treadmill is somewhat similar to the simulation of mountain climbing or climbing movements, can enhance the function of the cardiovascular system, and can fully exercise thigh and calf muscles, but i always feel that this equipment is somewhat on the older side, rely on it to exercise the core or do cardio is a bit of a waste of time, far better than other fitness equipment, since there is time to practice this is better to climb the stairs and hills. Now it is basically replaced by elliptical machines, which are out of fashion fitness equipment!

In addition to the above equipment, some gyms also have a variety of comprehensive training equipment, such as the combination of the smith frame of the bird, the combination of auxiliary pull-ups and high pull-down machines, high pull-down machines and seated leg curlers and single and double bar pull-ups, etc., different brands of fitness equipment are slightly different, but no matter how the equipment, as long as you master the skills of each fitness action, you can lift a the gym is no longer for amateurs!