
For most men, we want broad shoulders, well-defined arms and full pecs. Women, on the other hand, tend to be more concerned with their hips and legs. For the majority of women, the best hip and leg workouts give them a more toned butt and stronger looking legs, but the hips and legs should not look too bulky. Large and bulky hips and legs are something that many women do not want, and because women are born with different genetics and body structures than men, there are many different ways to train.

I often hear people say that women can train like men, but in reality this is not the case.

In my opinion, the best female glute and leg training, if not exclusively bodybuilding hair development direction, then most women should not focus on adding increasing muscle, they should focus on muscle shape and definition.

The advice we usually give to women is that they don't build muscle like men do because they don't have as much testosterone hormone in their bodies as men do.

It is true that men have more testosterone hormone. However, when a woman focuses on building her hips and legs, it is also possible to get bigger. But that doesn't mean that all butt and leg workouts will make your legs bigger.

While having enough muscle is a good thing, having too much muscle and big legs is not a good thing anymore. A woman's body shape should look very different from a man's, and it's no different when it comes to legs.

The best leg exercises for women

In order to get slim and toned legs, you have to build your muscles accordingly.

We have found that the best way to build muscle without adding too much muscle size is, of course, to do strength training.

Let us explain in more detail below. -

So are high reps and light weights the way to go?

High reps will make your muscles twitch. If you want relatively small and strong muscles, you shouldn't be pumping. While you may be used to thinking that muscle pumping is a good thing, it should be if you don't want your muscles to look bigger.

Having a strong pumping sensation to train causes muscle growth, also known as sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, which means your muscles are filled with fluid (sarcoplasm).

This fluid makes your muscles bigger. Instead, hip and leg training for women should be geared towards increasing the strength of the actual muscle fibres, which will make your legs look stronger, rather than dramatically increasing the latitude of your muscles.

Choosing the right weight for training

Because doing high reps with light weights will increase sarcoplasmic fluid, you should avoid this type of training.

The usual 3 sets of 10 reps is also not something you should do.

You can choose your favourite glute and leg training movements and do 4 sets of 3-5 reps each.

Choose a weight that you can do 5-7 reps with, but stop the movement at 3-7 reps, 1-2 reps before exhaustion.

This may feel very different to what you're used to, but it's probably the best way to build strong muscles rather than big, bulky legs.

As well as the number of reps you do, you'll also want to try different movements. Also complete them slowly and in a controlled manner, resting 1-2 minutes between each set.

You don't want to overwork your muscles as this will promote muscle growth.

Aerobic leg workouts

Many of the same principles apply even when doing aerobic exercises.

However, if your main goal is long, toned legs, i would recommend that you do not use a bike for most of your cardio workouts.

In addition to the exercise equipment you use for leg training, you need to be aware of the type of cardio exercise.

We recommend hiit rather than traditional cardio. You can really speed up the fat burning process with high intensity interval training, but that doesn't mean it's the only training you should be doing.

Traditional cardio also has its place. In fact, when you want to reduce the overall size of your legs, which means you already have a very thick calf, you must want to reduce the leg muscles.

The basic approach is that you should do long periods of aerobic exercise. You may have noticed that marathon runners are usually very lean and don't have much muscle? If you are already very "Bulky" And train like them, you can really lose weight.

Here are a few easy-to-follow exercises that you can do to tighten up your lower body muscles and get your buttocks and legs toned. Complete 3-4 sets of each movement and perform the workout two to three times a week.

1. Single leg squat

Stand with your feet together and arms at your sides, shifting your weight to your right foot. Keep the toes of the left foot close to the right foot for balance. (you may also choose to perform with weights)

Keeping your back straight and your hips and knees bent, then slowly sit back on your right leg, straightening your arms as you lower them (grabbing the back of the chair for balance if needed). Stop when your thighs are almost parallel to the floor and hold for a second. Then power up on the heel of your right foot and stand up.

If flexibility and balance are lacking, this may be done using trx or chair assistance.

2. Bending knee stirrups

Either unassisted or with two dumbbells in front of the body or at shoulder height (you can choose a suitable weight). Step diagonally with the right leg behind the left leg, bending the knee until the front of the thigh is parallel to the floor. Keep your spine upright, shoulders down and back and abdominals tight. Power up on the right heel, stand up and extend the left leg outwards and kick out. Switch legs after one set.

3. Standing leg raises

Balance on the wall (or rope-type apparatus) with your left hand and stand up straight with your knee slightly bent.

Keeping your right leg extended (knee relaxed) and your right foot bent, lift your right leg to the side. Lift as far as you can without moving your upper body. Pause for one second, then return to the starting position. Complete a set, then switch to the other leg and repeat.

Use rope equipment or elastic bands to increase the weight for better results.

4. Leg lifts

Lie on your left side with your legs stacked on top of each other. Support yourself on your left elbow. Place the fingertips of your right hand in front of your body to maintain balance.

Lift your right leg about 10-30 cm and then slowly lift your left leg to make contact with it. Hold for 2 seconds, then lower each leg. Switch sides and repeat.

5. Lunge squat

Stand with your feet together and place dumbbells on either side of your body with your palms facing your thighs. Take a large step forward with your right leg. Stand on your right foot and then slowly lower your left knee towards the floor. Your right knee should be at a 90 degree angle and your back straight. Power up your right foot and push yourself back to the starting position. Repeat with your left leg.

There are also many very good strength training exercises for the hips and legs, such as squats and hip thrusts.

For most women, the hips and thighs are the easiest to store fat, as genetic instinct dictates, and now in this day and age, we no longer need these reserves. What to do?

Besides adhering to scientific training, together with a sensible controlled diet is the only way to achieve the ideal hip and leg curves.