Take a Look, These Deep Squatting Wrong Action, In Your Body Appeared?
Oct 19, 2024In the field of fitness, squat, hard pull and bench press is known as the 3 kings of strength, in the end who is the best, until now there is not a definitive verification, but if the action is done wrong, will affect the health of the body.
5 Pilates Movements, 10 Minutes a Day, Not Only To Help Slim Down, But Also To Increase The "Fun"
Oct 18, 2024Pilates, many people are not unfamiliar with it. Many female celebrities are practicing pilates. So, what exactly is pilates?
Basic Knowledge Of Science: Yoga And Pilates What Is The Difference? And What Are The Specific Movements?
Oct 17, 2024We all know that pilates is a branch of traditional yoga, the two movements are very similar, both need to be completed on the yoga mat, are extension and stretching movements, but also have static meditation asana, so how do we actually distinguish between yoga and pilates?
The Push-Up Training Is Actually Not Simple, About Push-Ups, These Knowledge Also Have To Learn
Aug 24, 2024When many of you are just starting out, push-ups are always among the fitness moves you choose. Push-ups are really easy to practice compared to other fitness movements.
5 Efficient Practice Core Medicine Ball Training Movements Detailed Illustrations
May 22, 2024Medicine balls come in different weights, sizes, and types, and can be used for different forms of physical training and for different needs. In core training, we choose different weights of medicine balls for different difficulties of core strength training.