Yoga Rest, Primary Meditation, Rejuvenation, Stress Relief And Sleep Aid!
Dec 18, 2024If you practice yoga consistently, you may know something about meditation. It can be a short practice in class or you can practice it alone. However, many people don't know much about yoga nidra.
Countless Training Sessions And You Still Haven't Broken 42cm, Check Out The Championship Training Rules!
Dec 18, 2024After countless arm curls, full arms must be the most satisfying state you've ever been in.
A Modern Genre Classification Of Yoga, It's So Complete!
Dec 17, 2024Look at a yoga studio's schedule and you will see many different types of yoga, from ashtanga and kundalini to aerial yoga and more. There are even some more modern and less common styles: Paddle board yoga, for example.
There Is No Poor Shoulder Training, Only Not Enough Attention, These 6 Details Of The Action You Have Done Well?
Dec 17, 2024Every time i train my shoulders, i have to do all kinds of push-ups, and i have to do hundreds of one kind of push-ups.
Having Practiced Yoga For So Long, Do You Know What Is The “Bandha” And How To Use It?
Dec 16, 2024In sanskrit, the word bandha means 'lock' or 'seal'. Yogis use certain muscles to form these seals to prevent prana from escaping the body. If practised correctly, they can also help to stabilise your core during asana practice and keep you safe from injury.
How Can You Escape Your Comfort Zone And Get Fuller And Better Looking Back Muscles Like Your Pecs?
Dec 16, 2024Maybe you don't like to train on fixed equipment because it limits your training trajectory, or maybe you don't like to do cardio because too much cardio can make you lose muscle?