How Come My Arms Haven't Gotten Thicker After All The Training? So It's Because You Haven't Done This Combination?
Jul 25, 2024who doesn't want developed biceps? The bicep has become one of the most popular movements in the gym.
8 Instant Workout Moves That Will Have You Looking For Summer Confidence To Show Off Your Body In No Time
Jul 24, 2024Spring has sprung and the summer heat is just around the corner and the best things in life are to look forward to. It is once again the best time of the year to show off a good body.
Building a Master-Like Back, Do You Really Understand The Value Of High Pulldowns And Pull-Ups?
Jul 24, 2024there is no doubt that pull-ups are the ace move for the back. But many newbies entering the gym are guilty of the fact that pull-ups for self weight training are an absolute contradiction. Why is that?
How To Do a Perfect Bobby Jump, Bobby Jumps Aren't Easy!
Jul 23, 2024Bobi jumps can be considered the number one favourite fitness move for many people, especially when people are trying to lose fat.
Advice On Training Details For Fitness Beginners
Jul 23, 2024the criterion for judging fit and unfit is the individual's proprioception of the movement. For example, the butterfly machine clamps the chest, some partners how to do it is difficult to focus, but some partners are able to switch back and forth in one training in the full, half, 3/4 range, comparable to do the bench press.
Get Your Pecs Thick With 4 New Chest Moves, How Many Have You Practiced?
Jul 22, 2024if we talk about chest training, many people think of the barbell bench press, but if you don't change it for a long time, your muscles will stagnate. Training your pecs like a bodybuilder in a new way gives you at least a qualitative change.